Am I crazy?

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

Tuesday evening I'm in my kitchen, peeling broccoli, onions and all sorts of other veggies and I happy as a clam thinking about putting handfulls of scraps into my kitchen compost pail. I'm thinking - what a feast - for the worms! I'll tell that story to the 17 coming for dinner!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

....and the meal was shared by all the earth's creatures......... ;-)

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

If you're crazy, you're in good company. I was shopping for the dinner coming up tomorrow, and got so happy picturing all the stuff I would compost from it!

I think composting is our way of including, and thanking, Nature for what we've been given. It makes us part of the circle, not just pirates of it.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!!

Stansbury Park, UT(Zone 6a)

I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who gets excited about adding to my compost pile. I am getting a name for myself in the neighborhood. LOL I have been knocking on doors and asking if I can clean up all the leaves on neighbors lawns to put in my compost piles for next spring. I get this weird look and they say sure. I have been so happy to get the leaves that I do all the work for them. NOW I KNOW I AM CRAZY!! LOL I even have some friends that put bags of leaves on my drive way and they think I am nuts for wanting them. It is so funny.

My kids are getting into it too. My 4 year old likes bananas and he gives me the peel and tells me it is for the compost pile. It's great!


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I have been getting my neighbor's leaves for maybe 20 years. There are now 6 less ash trees over there so volume has decreased.
Another neighbor left 14 bags of nice leaves...some of them slightly damp and incredibly packed densely. I spreaded them out and backed the riding mower over them about three times and made the nicest leaf mulch.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

On my way home,Tue., I noticed a larg stack of paper leaf bags, so I ask the man for them,and he said if I''ll take all of them,it would be ok.I loaded my old pick-up with what I thaught wet leaves,because of the weight,and cleaned up the few dead branches,he thanked me, and I him, got home to unload,and found that every bag was full of neatley shreadded leaves.I'll do that any day. Mike

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