Weight Loss Challange Nov. 18th - 25th(?)

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I'm sorry to be so late starting this. Kris and her boyfriend Gabe and some of his relatives came early this morning. Long before I woke up. The relatives hunted deer until mid afternoon and only got 2 that were probably born late last spring. I feel sorry for them that they got such small deer after being out there nearly all day.

Kris, Gabe, & I went to town(WM) to return the phone. We were talking about the fact that I am looking for a new comealong to replace the one we have which we now know has been defective since we bought it. We ask Gabe to please go to the automotive section and see what they might have over there. He came back with a 2,000# capacity electric one and announced that he was buying it for us. Kris said they have a very strict rule about gifts & told him that he couldn't do that. Left me in an embarrasing position. He really wanted to do this and we really needed something like that since Jack is no longer able to help lift the deer at all this year. Kris said if we really need it to go ahead and let him get it for us. I feel that it is a way GOD has used someone to repay us for the good deeds we have done for others over the years. I also remember hearing a minister sometime ago talk about how we block blessings GOD wants to give to others when we refuse to accept a blessing that person trys to give us. Anyway, the new wench/comealong is now hanging from the ceiling of the garage. I think we can also use it to help Jack get on and off the mower next season. Then Gabe treated us all to breakfast at Denny's. Kris and I split a super grand slammer breakfast. More than plenty for each of us. We got home about 10:30 and I got started on the lasanga for lunch. I had to leave about 1:45 to go to work.

Yvonne and I worked on the dishes until they were nearly all washed and most were put away. This way she can just relax tomorrow and come in Monday to a clean sink instead of one piled high with dirty dishes. I had to go to Marshall after I left the cafe' and get fuel and go to WalMart. I wanted a new heating pad but that store didn't have any plain heating pads. Just ones with vibrators, etc. like they usually have for Christmas I just got home a bit ago and saw how small the deer are. Since it is about 29* outside I'm leaving them until tomorrow to process. The guys paid me $80 to do it for them. Small as they are I think I need to give some of it back. The butcher places get $60 and up depending on how big the deer is. They were going to drive all the way to a town they know of 75 miles from here to get them processed!! Shad will take the meat back with him Thursday evening as well as some of what we have in our freezer for his mother.

I think my eating has been good today even if we did eat breakfast at Denny's. I ask for sf syrup for the 1 1/2 pancake that was my share and got it, the sausage was nice and lean, the hash browns & fried egg were not greasy, etc. The bacon could have been cooked a bit better to get rid of more of the fat from it but that is about all. At the cafe' I ate a very lean cheeseburger on ww toast with no butter or dressing at all and a dipper of mashed potatoes and some gravy. I don't like the oleo in the potatoes but once in a while won't do me in. When I got home a bit ago I did indulge in a medium serving of the lasanga and a few bites of the sf jello with chopped canned pears and sliced bananas. I may be down a bit on my water tho. I haven't measured it as carefully as usual. I am sure I have done at least 3 pints & maybe even did the full 4. I still have some time left before I go to bed. The 24 hours isn't up until about 7 in the morning.

I'm getting really sleepy. GOD bless and keep each of you.

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