someone shoot me now please

Campobello, SC(Zone 7a)

I think I need professional (mental) help. After working with Thump and Lady for the past month, hubby says he wants a horse now. Only problem is, hubby doesn't ride so we need a very well trained/child proof horse for him. Well, the guy who we got Lady from and who trained Thump says "I got a horse for you". He tells us about her but wanted more than we wanted to pay and we were not in a hurry. She's this "perfectly" trained horse that he shows with and has all these champions in her pedigree, etc. I told him that she sounds like a total waste on us as we just want normal, ordinary horses, nothing fancy. So after 3 weeks of getting after us to come see her, we went today just to get him to stop bugging us on her. She's a beautiful bay with a very delicate looking head altho she's a quarter horse. We watch him put her thru her paces after he tells us she hasn't been ridden in 6 months because she just had a foal. He's walking her sideways and backwards and doing all these "tricks" that we have no need for. Then hubby gets on and falls in love with her. He had no problems with her and she did everything he asked regardless that he didn't really know much about riding. As we are standing there talking, he asks about how to get her tummy back as she's big from having the foal and I say "she's not pregnant, right?" Of course he says, "probably". I tell hubby no way, I do not want another preg horse, one is enough, not happening, no how, no way, nope, nope, nope. bloody you know what will freeze over first.

we bought her. grrrr. She's being delivered tomorrow. "Rock N Roll Alley". Alley or Allie, no clue, for short. Hubby called him when we got home and said we'll give him the foal if he knocks some off of her price. He agreed as he said he was hoping it's a buckskin (is that the color?) and if we bought her, he'd buy foal off of us if it was a buckskin. If it's not a buckskin, he still get's first look at it.

Also met Lady's momma who is a beautiful all black very gentle horse. And met the sire of Lady's foal (and Allie's) who is absolutely gorgeous. He's a palomino (did I spell that right?). And, Lady's dam is pregnant and due in March or April and she is bigger than Lady, but not by much.

So, now ignorant me now has TWO preg horses. Hence the subject of this post.

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