LOok what i've done

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I should be ashamed, did it 3 times . they are dwarf cavendish banana pups, will they make it? I think the one with the one root on it will be ok, but what about the other two with no rootlets at all. I can't believe I did this 3 times.

should I dump them?


Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Kathy, you didn't read what I wrote on Oct. 24th. No gold star for you!!! One of your plants for sure should make it, but I wouldn't throw the other 2 away until you know for sure you croked them. One of mine I thought wasn't going to make it, but it did. I used a good nursery blend mix and keeping it out of direct sun, and not letting the pot dry out, it's doing well today. CJ.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I guess I missed that part on october 24, where do I find it at? thanks for the help on the bananas, I'll plant them and see what happens.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Counting one message you wrote, go down 12 messages. CJ.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Ok, now you've really lost me, I have no idea what your talking about.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sorry, go to the tropical fruit discussion forum and look under the subject row for "question on separating pups and over watering indoors", by Maureenpm00. And if you go 6 more lines down I wrote about how to get your banana tree to make a lot of pups.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

OK, thanks, it takes some effort to make me understand things sometimes. LOL I actually read that thread too. Ha ha. I've given up on ever getting bananas so I geuss I could try to get pups instead. although my bananas give me plenty plenty pups during the spring and summer, I just pulled those 3 off the cavendish mom.
in the greenhouse.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

CJ, I did my best to separate pups according to your directions, but even quite large (3-4 ft) pups had few roots of their own, and I was reluctant to cut too far into the mother corm. I got as much soil (part clay) off as I could, but it was still tricky to visualize just where my cuts would come out. So far, I think the pups I separated look OK (lost most leaves, but still green and new leaf on top may be growing out), but the littlest one came away with just a couple of small roots.

Do you really whack a big wedge out of the mother corm in order to get more roots to come away with the pup?

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Click on www.georgetown.edu/dml/facs/graphics/test/Images/Sep_Pups.jpg the picture shows how to cut a pup off and still not hurt the mother plant. CJ.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

That link didn't work, Go back to Tropical fruit discussion forum and drop down to "question on separating pups and over watering indoors", look for my answer (about eight down) and click on the hyperlink (it's in green) CJ.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Joe, that's pretty much what I did, but that didn't leave many roots attached to the pups... the smaller pups had no roots coming out of them at all and no roots that were very nearby on the mother corm, so I left them attached to be overwintered together with the mother corm. The only pups that I thought I could separate with some roots attached were at least 4 feet tall, although I did separate one that's just a little over 2 feet... it came away with one or two very small roots attached, but I don't think it's dead yet, so my fingers are crossed. Is it just something with my bananas, or do the pups have to get really big before they get roots of their own??

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Banana trees are are heavy feeders, I use a fertilizer for banana trees from Stokes Tropicals, you should check it out. After I seperated my pups from the mother, I gave each one a little bit of fertilizer. I don't know if that was the reason they all made it. You would be surprised, the mother's corm might be all they need to live. I don't know if I would leave them outside this late in the year. Don't make the mistake I made, for 9 years I watched my banana trees grow and one day one of them starts to produce BANANAS!!!! Everyday I'd go look at them watching the bananas getting bigger and bigger, then one day..... the stalk grew so heavy that it broke the tree!!! I forgot that you need to support the stalk!!! CJ.

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