fall care for lavender

Plainfield, NJ(Zone 6b)

I've had hit or miss luck with lavenders over the years and have treated then with pretty much the same kind of ramshackle care. Last spring I took a plunge while in the throes of planting frenzy and installed an 18' border containing 6 varieties of lavender. They all did well, some better than others. My question is "Now what?" Should I prune them back before hard freezes set in? Should I apply some serious mulch? Should I wait to see if there is winterkill and them prune in the spring when new growth starts up? I did light shaping after they flowered but that's about it. Help me out please fellow plant geeks. How do I maintain this lovely border?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I grow lots of Lavender. I prune them in the fall and also cut out any obvious dead bits. I make sure that they have plenty of clean space around them as I think that is key to keeping them happy. Good air circulation. I also dig them completely up every few years and really trim out any old tired branches and roots and clean out any encroaching weeds. I always make a few new ones at this time. I don't fertilize or mulch them for the winter. In the spring I trim them of any winter kill. I mulch the beds in May and give the beds a general feeding. I do cut the lavenders back after they bloom during the summer, which often produces a light second bloom in late summer. This has worked fine for me as many of the plants are from ones that I planted in 1983 and are all very large and happy. Good luck. Which ones did you plant? Patti

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

lady cleo, here are some of my lavenders during 2006. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

bbrookrd, gorgeous pics! I'd like to try digging up the lavender to rejuvenate them, as they do tend to become very woody and sprawling after a few years. Great tip.

LadyCleo, Since a light pruning in the fall works fine for bbrookrd and she's close to your zone, I'd say take her advice. I don't prune at all in the fall, because my first experience with lavender scared me off! lol I guess I cut them back too hard and they didn't return. Now I make sure I don't prune into the woody stems in the fall and haven't had a problem with them surviving and thriving here.


Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

bbrookrd- wow! those pictures sure make new-england lavender look like the pictures from provence!-- i do think there is an island benifit that you have on nantucket- not quite the drop in temps that we have inland. I wait till spring to trim, because i otherwise seem to have die-back from the places that i trimmed...though our winter temperatures aren't what they used to be. planting site has lots to do with winter survival in my garden- excellent drainage seems to be the key. LadyCleo, I think new jersey is mild compared to us so not to worry about their survival too much. there were a couple of threads on the herb forum about lavender this summer, and i really liked the look of the plants that had been sheared in the spring. they bloomed a bit later, but they had beautiful shapes. you might check that forum.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Sandy, After doing a light pruning I try to take out only the really dead stuff in the fall and I don't cut back too hard on anything that is green and woody. But we are much milder here than you. I spend part of my summer near Algonquin Park and have on occasion gone up for a January visit. Now that is cold! I just went out and took some pictures of some that I cut back in mid late Oct. oops this pic is sideways. This plant was planted in 1983 in this spot. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Here is another, I have gotten confused as to which varieties they are. I'll sort that out this summer when they bloom. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Patti, we are not that far from Algonquin Park, do you go to the Muskokas? I didn't mean to imply that you cut back hard in the fall, I just wanted to alert LadyCleo to my disaster to add another view, so sorry if it sounded that way.

sjms, I definitely agree about excellent drainage being the key! The lavender that keeps going for me is planted in the rock garden and has great drainage because of the slope.

Thumbnail by sanannie
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

sanannie, oh, I thought you were wise to warn against hard pruning in the fall, so I was pleased that you mentioned it. I have been known to get heavy with the clippers too! You have a beautiful rock garden. The whole setting looks enchanting. I have no rocks here, only sandy soil (there are veins of clay, but not in my beds) . I do my rock throwing at Lake of Bays on Dwight Bay. I tried putting in a small garden there for my mother, but the rocks got the better of me. I failed. Where is White Lake? Patti

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Patti, DH travels to Huntsville quite often on business. It's a beautiful area up through there. White Lake is about 45 miles west of Ottawa. You're right, this is rock country. All the farms around here have the rock fences from clearing the land. Had to blast three charges through granite for our basement!


Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

We often drive up via 17 through Arnprior, so I know just where you are. I figured there might be another White Lake. Did you happen to see the Hosta garden forum about the gentleman from Peterborough On that was nothing less than spectacular? I vow to make some garden visits next summer when I am up there. I did visit a first rate bulb grower north of Huntsville 2 years ago. She has a nice website and her selection seems excellant. I love the rose gardens at the Botanical garden in St Catherine ( I think that's where they are) Any suggestions? I am going out to plant bulbs in my "no rock" soil, today how jealous are you! But then I won't be hearing any loons today. Patti

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Patti - that's kinda funny, but that was my thread on Hosta forum! Hostas are my big love and I was bold and asked for an invite this summer and I'm sure glad I did. Here's the thread if anyone wants to see some nice hosta. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/623106/ I'll send you a Dmail about gardens in the area so I don't clog this thread.


Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

sanannie, That is too funny. It was a really wonderful thread and I am not even a big hostahollic, though I did order a bunch from the coops this year. I wanted so much to ask to visit his gardens, but I wasn't sure when I was going up early enough to write to him for a request. If you plan on another visit mid summer next year, I would love to tag along. Back to more bulb planting. Patti.

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