My Christmas Cactus couldn't wait!

Thomson, GA

Got this little jewel at our church ornament exchange three Christmas's ago, and last year it bloomed right on time, quite by accident. This year I might have tried too hard to keep it in the dark, but that's okay, we'll enjoy it anyway!

Thumbnail by guardians
Thomson, GA

Before anyone asks, yes, that is a piece of a jade plant sticking out of the side. When I originally planted the poor little cactus, the pot was WAY too big for it alone. So I had a jade plant that shared the pot for awhile. When I moved it I somehow overlooked this one sprig, and I have just never moved it.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

both of mine bloom all winter without doing anything different with it... they are supposed to be kept in the dark? don't tell mine that.. they just bloom their hearts out.


Have you heard of thanksgiving cactus? Frankly, I can't tell the difference between the two, except that I do have a few that bloom faithfully every single thanksgiving. The orange is just coming into blossom.
I get mine to bloom by holding off on fertilizer (which I don't do much anyway) and keeping them pretty cool. A good chill before they come in the house, and then low temps really get them going. They grow epiphytically in fairly cool/humid climates in native habitat.


Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

My Christmas cactus is very similar to yours...size and color...and has just started blooming! It's such a neat thing to wait all year to see this plant bloom at this time of year.


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Here is a pix of a CC that is FOUR FEET wide!!

Thomson, GA

Now, that's a cactus!! I wonder if those folks with the link on Walter's site have ever re-potted it. My daughter got one at the ornament exchange the same night I got mine and hers is a 1/3 the size of mine and a lighter, almost iridescent pink. Very pretty. I hope I can keep mine around for many years, too. Kinda like the Pregnant onion, which is a big conversation piece at our house.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

The one that I left outside neglected bloomed for me great when I brought it in.. The one that I left inside all year didn't. ??


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I was given a Christmas cactus today,and know nothing at all about them, except what I have just read. Hope I can find out more about them .Mike

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi, ya'll... am new here but I hope you dont mind a coupel replies:

there are 2 kinds of these cactus. -Christmas Cactus which have scalloped edges (rounded) and bloom and generally bloom about now.
Also Thanksgiving cactus, which are the more popular (why?) an d bloom at teh already given time and are often forced to bloom later by florists and other retailers. They have pointed tips on thier edges.

They both do well with a good regimen of neglect. yes- thats what I said ;) They liek to be place sin cool surroundings and forgotten, in filtered light. They prefer to dry out (almost to teh point of emmaciation I hear tell) , unless they are blooming. At that time keep them moist but not soggy.

They root easily but apparently prefer that 4 segment peices be pruned off them in June-ish.. that also promotes a better bloom later. they are very long lived.

I sound like I know what Im talking about... but thats becuase I had to look all teh info up after inheriting a huge plant form my Mom in Laws estate a couple months ago! I love the internet :D

I loo fwd to learning a great deal more abotu gardening in Ga! ! TY!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Nice thanks :)


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