getting settled :-) & Lady Black

Campobello, SC(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone,
Not sure if you remember me, just moved from California to S. Carolina last month. We are here and getting settled, slowly :-) We bought the black mare for my daughter and named her Lady Black. We tried her out for a week and she is soo sweet and mellow that we fell in love with her. Only drawback is she is only 5 and still a little green. This will be her horse to "grow in-to" but she's been riding her with us right there. Another thing we found out is that she's pregnant. I wasn't planning on that and not sure I want to deal with it at all, but only took her because she's got such a great personality and the foal is supposedly due end of May/beg of June. However, the last two weeks, she has totally popped out and gotten huge so now we are starting to wonder. I'm borrowing a trailer this week and taking her in to have it verified. Then we have to figure out feed since she is on fescue now and I know that's bad. I'm ready for any and all advice on her since unbelievably I haven't found much info on the internet and am totally clueless about pregnant horses.
Thumper, my horse that was with a trainer is doing very well too. He is such a sweetheart and always comes running to the fence when we are out there. I'm proving how absolutely rusty I am on riding tho as he was doing much better when the trainer first brought him back. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing by avoiding the areas we have problems with or not. I can't ride him in the front of the house because he tries to drop me in the front bushes so we avoid that area. We also have a huge issue anytime we are close to the barn so I dismount him elsewhere and walk him back just to show him that I can dismount anywhere, not just at the barn. I do take him back to it then have to fight him to walk away again. Once I do get him to walk away, we go somewhere else to end the ride.
Our barn is not done yet. We have the cement floor and stalls up but need to get the mats down and bedding yet. It's always open and they come in it to get out of the rain and to eat or just hang out. My entire family is coming in next week from Michigan so I'm going to put them all to work getting the barn done :-) Especially if Lady is further along than I was told and I need to get her out of the pasture now.
Anyway, so that's it for now. If anyone is close to me, let me know as I would love to have someone close with plenty of horsey advice :-) I'm in upstate S. C. just north of Spartanburg and 5 miles from the N.C. border.
Thanks :-)

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