Outdoor Christmas Decorations -What do you do?

Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

Hello fellow Georgia DGers:

I love this time of year. Starting to go through boxes of lights, wreaths, etc. trying to decide what to put outside. Would love to know how y'all are going to decorate. I'm thinking of putting a lighted garland around the front door with two lighted wreaths in the front windows. Two hollys trees anchor each end of the house and I'm thinking of wrapping these in white lights. My DH loves lights everywhere so I better get a plan in hand or else every shrub and tree will be lighted! Would love to find a small sleigh and fill with evergreen branches and pine cones - saw one at a local antique store but it already had a "sold" sign on it, drat! Anyone have any special plans....


I pretty much do the same thing every year. All lights are white, simply because colored lights can bleach during a sunny winter, and also because I light the arches year round with the white "fairy" lights. Our front door is inside a screen porch, so I put lights on the awnings. I have many many, many wreathes from found and thift store objects and they get hung in a cluster on one wall...sometimes I put out a tiny white tree a friend gave me, but only under the covered porch. That's about all I do. It drives me crazy to have to store things (and clean them, once brought inside) large amounts of decorations used only once a year so I tend to keep things the same every year. Minimal but shiny.


Thomson, GA

We have a deck-like front porch, and I buy the fresh garland from Sam's and drape it around the porch railing and over the front door, with red ribbons and bows on all corners and white lights, with a regular green wreath and red bow with lights on front door. The fresh garland drapes really pretty, and usually lasts from Thanksgiving til New Years, unless it gets really hot.

I usually like the classic, clean elegant look, with a little "Southern" flair, while DH likes the inflatable Santas and stuff. We have been compromising for 30 years. We used to take turns every year, one year white lights on the tree, next year multi-colored.

I love decorating for Christmas, and this year I have to replace a lot of stuff that has seen it's better days, so I'm sure my first stop will be Michaels to see what's new. On Thanksgiving day, the Christmas china comes out and stays until New Years Day. It takes me about a week to decorate the whole house, inside and out.

With 4 cats, I don't even bother inside except for the mantle which they haven't seemed to be able to scale yet! I miss all my decorations inside which are all vintage 50's, including my aluminum tree!!!


Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

GGG, very funny about the cats. Our pets do seem to rule the roost! Since you have a porch, maybe your aluminum tree can go there - or do the cats control that territory as well, hehe.
I love vintage decorations.


Thomson, GA

Oh yes, I remember the aluminum tree my mom had with the color light wheel. Cool stuff.

I think I am going to do a different kind of village this year, I want to do it centered around a farm instead of the village. Partially because we have a new Tractor Supply here and they have some of the neatest things for doing that! Little bitty John Deere tractors, teeny tiny hay bales, such cute stuff. I got some last year but I dream big.

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