Trades going out tomorrow - forgetting anyone?

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm taking the following trades to the postoffice in the morning and want to make sure I'm not forgetting anyone!
Thank you for trading everyone. Joy
Gail Foster
Jennifer Orock
Jack Holtvluwer
Belinda Ferrell
Raven Buck
Connie Hammond
John Curran
Mary Riley
Jean Olson
Diane Sell
Gill Parsons
Edna Reid
MaryLiz Schoenfeld
Joyce Sims
Lorie McCarty
Terry Lea
Brody Hazan

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Hi Joy, Its me Michele from Joshua Tree, Ca. No you dont owe me any seeds I know you are dependable. I need to get a bunch out myself too. Don't you love this website?

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Michele, So glad to see you here! Yes! This place is the greatest. And everytime I turn around for a minute it gets even better. Dave really knows his stuff! And I love how he's not just the webmaster, he's just as involved in these forums as everyone else. I love this place!

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