Hippeastrum cybister hybrids from Ludwig.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


From Ludwig and Company (one of the earliest and greatest amaryllis breeders) comes this great selection of cybister hybrids:


Some you've seen--'Emerald', 'Lima', 'La Paz' and some maybe not as much--'Rio Negro'.

Look at these unreleased hybrids:


Dig that lovely "96-23". Mmmmmmmmm......


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Robert you're at it again! What will I do, I think I am controlling my desires and then you do this!

Hmmmm, nice 96-23, but I think 96-28 is quite amazing. See those well defined creamy stripes edged in darker red all the way down the centres of the petals.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I agree----96-28 also caught my eye, but I didn't want to gush all over the place.

I was surprised to find that Lugwig is behind so many of the cybister hybrids. Who knows what else they have in store, how many mass plantings of seedlings that we'll never see, just waiting to be culled or brought into"consideration"?


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Well I'm going to make you gush all over! Take a look at Striped Panther in the new this year section, order $52 worth and shipping if free! Only 3 good bulbs.


I'm not totally certain that la Paz, Lima and another which I can't remember are hybrids. I was searching on this some time ago and found an article saying they were all selections of a species, just a bit different to each other and given a name.

Mobile, AL

Well, I may not be gushing, but I am drooling.... #23 and #28 and others! When I first looked at those, I ran outside to the greenhouse, fertilized my Emerald X Papilio and Papilio X Emerald crosses and whispered to them, "Grow, babies, Grow!"

How can you go wrong with such beauties as parents? All of the babies are bound to be gorgeous!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


I get that way too! When I read something about a bulb I have, I go look at mine, rub their bulbous little selves and whisper encouragement......"Ooooh, come on Baby, amaze me!"

I'm gonna drool a bit over the ones I don't yet have on Royal Colors page:

Oooohhhhh, that 'Night Star'! I love the combination of what appears to be a good cream-white (with some green?) with a nice rosy center stripe. I like the selections that are coming with soft pinks and whites on the same tepals......

'Striped Panther' has a look of excitment or a boom! kind of fireworks explosiveness. Cheery by all the "activity" in the clusters. Oh yeah!

What's not to love about 'Grandeur' and 'Merengue' ????? MMMMMMmmmmmmmm!

And I think that 'White Peacock' is the finest white double around. Can that one be beat? I will go directly into orbit if there is........


I am already in the "poor house" form over-indulging in bulbs, especially the Hippis.......I'm low on cash, but I'm willing to dance for bulbs. Would Royal Colors find that a reasonable offer? ;-)


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I guess that depends on what your dancing is like........I'm looking for a good excuse to give myself a Xmas present. Or 3.

If you're in the poor house I must have worked my elbows to the bone by now.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, I've already treated myself to Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice and Chrismahannakwanzastise presents........What do I do now?

Really: Do NOT tempt me any further. I've already put my mom on eBay........


Mobile, AL

I give up on having them all, but Robert, you are so very correct. Those are gorgeous.

My teacher salary will only allow me to select some that are reasonably priced. Then we'll see what the seedlings do.

Still, I'll enjoy the drooling, and I love to dance, if that helps! LAS, ROFL! I doubt it, but one can always dream!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I found some nice species and cybister hybrids on eBay from rarebulbs in Thatcher Arizona, including H. stylosum and H. vittaums from India.


I am *so* trying to avoid thinking about their great prices and the shipping discount they offer.........Oh 'Rosario' I want you, I want you..........


Thomasville, GA(Zone 8b)

Robert, you are incorrigable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that 'Rosario' is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

NO!!! must......not......buy.........more.........bulbs............

If I bid on eBay in my sleep does it count?

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


It won't hurt to try! ;-)


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