November's daily weather 2006, Part II

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Temp's still at 42* & getting "dark". We've had snowflurries on & off.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Dyson - LOL - If I don't have cereal (Smart Start) for breakfast I will eat anything! Nachos, pizza, whatever's left over!
Joey - my DH calls me a garbage disposal! I do love my fruits and veggies tho! Your son is a handsome one! Great smile!
We're cooling off here. Didn't make it to the 70's - stayed around 63, then the bank thermometer read 58 on my way home. Supposed to be in the upper 30's to lower 40's. What a change!! Have to bring the weenie plants in again - too "cold" for the orchids.
We had the strangest cloud formation around the sun this morning. Looked kind of like a vortex around the sun.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

another - I couldn't get a great pic of it tho...

This message was edited Nov 12, 2006 6:27 PM

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Sharon! That's the way the sun looks here when it's getting ready to Snow! Heavy!
And that smile on Garrett's face is a silly one...If he were to have a serious smile on his face I would fall in the floor laughing! He's the family comedian.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

47½°(F), 57%, dark & windy.

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

40º.............Another cold wet day here in NW Pa.


Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

It's more evening bike rides!
Joey - no snow, but that would be so cool (at least to me)!
e_b - where is Springboro in comparison to Oakmont? My MIL lives there, she said it's very cold.
Sunset on the way home from work..

Thumbnail by MySharona
(Zone 3b)

2pm - 8 degrees and sunny...
we are leaving tonight, Sunday, from Anchorage at 10:30 pm, in Seattle, we'll sleep on the airport benches a couple hours, leave from Seattle at 8:30am, for Cancun, Mexico...Arrive there Monday at 4pm.. long tiring travel, as it always is from here....but the payoffs are worth it!
Seems as if there's a definite change in everyone's weather..winter marchs the pictures; and even Garrett got in on the action..sharon, your courthouse, the clouds, all very nice.
Nachos anytime are my favorite!
kelli, sure sounds as if the winds could do some damage - hope all's well.
We'll be exchanging this scene for something radically different for a week..

Thumbnail by kiska
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Take Care, Kiska! And have a Heap of Fun!! AND take lots of pretty pix to share!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Kiska - Have a great time! Take tons of pictures! We'll miss you, but will "see" you when you return!

(Zone 3b)

Thanks joey and sharon - even though winter has just begun, we're ready for the change.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

And a great change it will be. But if you're like me ~ there's no place like home! (Oz) ;-)

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

MySharona..........Springboro is about 90 miles north of Pittsburgh, and about 35 miles south of Erie.


(Zone 3b)

Just when I thought it was safe to walk away from the computer, here comes the moose in for a snack. Momma and twins...
4pm., 6 degrees and sun's well on it's way down..
Have a good week ---

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 3b)

the twins - one is a little bull...
oops - momma and one of the twins

This message was edited Nov 12, 2006 4:42 PM

Thumbnail by kiska
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful weather this weekend until today. High was 52 last night, dropped to 40 during the day and over an inch of rain. Now 39 degrees, everything is soaked, cold and windy. GRRRRR. It was a home-cured ham butt, cabbage and potato day. (In Pa. Dutch country)

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

45.9°(F), 67% - Kiska while your in Mexico keep an eye out for my mom, she is partying down there somewheres as we type ( I keep telling her she needs to slow down a bit - but at 77 years young she does not listen well ).

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning All! It's 43* & dark.

Dyson, you can't slow a good woman down!!!
I'm ready to go back to bed, de energizer poochie kept me up some. The deer must have been trying to invade! My DB's pup was barking a lot & so Jack had to go investigate...ughhhh...need more sleep.

Well, got to get ready for school. Have a great day !!!


Thumbnail by music2keep
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Good Morning!
Dyson - that's funny - mom partying in Mexico! Sounds like something my mom would have done!
Had to break out a sweatshirt last night. Low's got into the 30's. It's a chilly 40 now.
Here's the forecast today: high of 71.
Partly Cloudy
Temp: 40°F
Humidity: 89%
Wind Speed: calm
Barometer: 30.04 in.
Dewpoint: 37°F
Heat Index: 40°F
Wind Chill: 40°F
Sunrise: 6:49 AM EST
Sunset: 5:30 PM EST
I had to stay behind a window to get these Caroline Wrens bathing in a puddle yesterday, so the pics aren't that great. They were having a blast. THere were about 10 of them at one point! Wish I could have gone outside, but they don't like company!

Thumbnail by MySharona
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

46.2°(F) 72%, - Dark, real Dark, waiting for the sunrise cause I still have only one headlight from the deer incident. Got a replacement but I've been to sorry to install it, Hey at least the toilet is working now - the DW was giving me the devil about that. I can not understand her problem it is not like there was not another working one?

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Joey, love the deer peeking out. You post some nice WV scenes too.

Kelli, giggling over the long pants. Nice gourd, but gorgeous Bird of Paradise! I didn't know they got so large!

Deb, that's a beautiful color combo! So peaceful.

Kiska, a good picture of a moose. The closest I've seen yet. Somehow the snow and ice seem normal. Guess I know summer and fall are over.

Sharon a perfect gull photo. I like to see them, don't like their call. It bores into me when I see them on TV.

Kiska! I love the bridge. Right outside of town we had an overhead bridge. We would cross it, slow down, turn right on the gravel, and my Grandma on my Dad's side, lived around the curve. Now, it's a low one. : (

Early, what a thought provoking song. It scares me to think that happened to him, but he brought back a lesson for all of us.

Joey, I think your deer are swimming thru the grass.

Blooms, your turkeys look like peacocks, but how pretty with the green grass and color in the leaves. They released wild turkeys in Iowa quite a few years ago. I don't know what they did to them because they'll feed on the side of the road and don't hide from the cars. You would never see a the real wild turkeys.

Neat courthouse Sharon! Does that mean you slept till almost noon? :-))

Now that is a smile Joey! How handsome!

Dyson, I could eat nachos for breakfast! Yum!

Cuckoo, they migrate thru here occasionally too. Only saw them once, but they are pretty! They say they will pick a piece of fruit and pass it down a line of birds, to the last one. would like to see that, but have no trees with berries.

Dyson, love rice pudding! DD has chickens and ducks. I love their eggs.

Music, I'll link to a neat magazine after I finish these posts. I've come so far, I'm scared I'll lose this to cyberspace if I leave.

Blooms, laughing! My favorite is cold pizza, but I can eat any supper leftover and eat it cold. Got that from my Grandma. Whole wheat turkey is an exellent description!

Windy Kelli! That's the high gusts we get, not much higher. Others around us will go to 50 or 60. I wouldn't like that.

Love your timber Joey! My Grandma's timber grew up in underbrush when Dad didn't keep it mowed. Before that, the cows kept it clean. The cows also kept the poison ivy down.

Love the clouds Sharon!

Well Kiska, you're still in the air. Safe landing to you!!!

Seeds, we had fried chicken, cabbage and potatoes, in Muscatine County. : )

Dyson, LOL! Hope your mother enjoys herself!

Wrens, sigh, ours are long gone. But I like the chickadees and nuthatches that fill in the winter for them.

Now me. Saturday was cold and cloudy all day. I walked around the yard, but not for long. The wind was nasty. This morn it was 40* with a light rain at 4:45 am. Yep, "we're" on day shift.

My 2 year old Grandson has discovered stacking!!

Edited to add Joey's magazine link.

This message was edited Nov 13, 2006 6:39 AM

Thumbnail by billyporter
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Plain corn tostitos stack on chopped onion & chopped green pepper, bake at 350° for 10 minutes, add salsa and cheese, bake another 5 minutes, add fresh tomato & sour cream if you have them!

edited to say-
Now it's 69.3°&52%

This message was edited Nov 13, 2006 11:37 AM

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Howdy all, I have been lurking, but too tired to post. It is very glum here and the temps getting into the 30's for Sharon puts me in blue mood. I am in Toledo working and trying to get my 350 hours to get my health ins. restarted. 174 down and 174 to go. That's just 18 10hr shifts, but they are hard when they are outside at night in Toledo.
East Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
Elevation: 615 ft / 187 m
40.6 °F / 4.8 °C
Humidity: 66%
Dew Point: 30 °F / -1 °C
Wind: 3.6 mph / 5.8 km/h from the South
Wind Gust: 6.3 mph / 10.1 km/h
Luckily according to WU the low at my home has only been 46º.
Stay warm folks.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

67½°(F), 49% bright

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Aawww, wish I could cheer you up Sugar. You work too hard!

A huge Cottonwood tree uptown.

The trees in the background were planted to try and soak up the poison in the ground. An old Fertilizer plant was there when I was a kid. Our water is full of atrazine and alachlor. They planted them a few years ago.

Yes, the sky was that blue that morning.

Thumbnail by billyporter
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It's another busy week. MIL is coming on Friday to stay for eight days. However, once she's here, things will slow down again. She's pretty low maintenance. She just likes to sit on the back porch or the living room couch and I am free to do my own thing. She's been out here many times before and doesn't care if take her to see anything or not, though we usually take her to see one thing that she hasn't seen before.

Updated: 1:51 PM PST on November 13, 2006
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
75 °F / 24 °C
Humidity: 22%
Dew Point: 34 °F / 1 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h from the SE

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

60.4° 57% calm

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

66°F at 615PM EST
Wind: W at 5 mph
Humidity: 52%
Forecase for Tues: Sunny and 71.

Basically perfect. Now, If we could just skip Jan and Feb.....I think they're the worst winter months, because the cold weather is really getting old by then, the holidays are over (only the bills remain) and spring seems forever away. Gee,...I'm depressing myself! ;>

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Sidney - You sound very tired. Try to get some rest. At least tonight the low is 40!
Billy - Beautiful day you had! I've never heard about planting trees to soak up poison, possibly a very stupid question, but wouldn't that kill the trees?
Deb - Jan & Feb are our coldest months as well. I'm thinking after the chilly weather we've had so far, it might be pretty wicked. Not complaining! We don't get enough weather changes here!
Tried to get the pretty pink in the sky tonight, but I couldn't pull off the road in time. Arrrrgh!

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Helluuuu!!! Everybody! It's a calm & cool 45*, but Dark!

Sidney, I do hate that you have to work so many hours to renew your ins., but we all gotta have it. Please be careful & try not to tire yourself out!
Sally, Now that is one little cutie! (got any frontal shots?) And so easily entertained! They are so much fun when they are that age! Thanx so much for the link...I have bookmarked it & will look at it in a sec. LOL! I never thought of those deer as swimming in grass! They never did move & I was backing up , driving forward...they never budged & it's deer season! Usually when it's deer season, they are no where to be found! I'm glad you liked the "timber" shot. There's only one drawback....I have a lot of work to do in the spring, because of the downed trees. I always save it for spring, becuz of the winds in the fall & winter.
Sharon, those little birdies are so cute! They were having a real party!
Dyson, that sounds pretty yummy! I think the sour cream is the only Good topper there is!

Baby Garrett (1 1/2 yrs) With water melon face!

Well, gotta go party with DB ~ tis his B-Day! & I still haven't made his card!!!


Thumbnail by music2keep
Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

45º here in NW Pa. Another dark and dreary day but it did not rain! Mulched up a big pile of leaves tonight after work and I'm almost finished for the season. Or maby not.........I've got a new flower bed (border) with a picket fence in the back of my mind................


(Zone 5a)

Hello everyone - I made it back in one piece! The way the wind was blowing on Friday afternoon when we took off - I have to admit I felt a bit uneasy. Never flown in such a storm. When we got on the plain it was swaying from side to side - felt really strange. It was the quickest take off I've know - the plane just shot up in the air - and then it was a mostly smooth ride from there. Still, I was very relieved when we landed safely in Copenhagen. I always have a tough time leaving my girls like that - always worry about not making it back to them ..... Anyway - we had a blast - the concert was AMAZING!!!!!!! So worth it!

It's snowed a bit this evening - so everything is covered with a white blanket. It'll be interesting to see how long it'll last. Current temp is 34°F and a bit windy.

Copenhagen on Saturday was overcast, temp around 46 I think and slight breeze :

Thumbnail by rannveig
(Zone 5a)

Just to give you an idea - here's one photo from the concert :-) I couldn't take my "good" camera they weren't allowed so I had to make do with my small one - so this was the best I could do ;-)

Great photos everyone while I was away - loved the moose and deer and Debi your spring garden is amazing!!!

George Michael in concert :

Thumbnail by rannveig
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sharon I like your bird 'bath' shot. the window kinda added to the atmosphere.

Moose in her yard just as she's leaving. LOL, Kiska lives in a whole nother world from my yard. Hope she loves Cancun and it's good weather down there for her.

Rann, so glad all went well for your concert adventure. Not sure I want to be in a plane that is swaying on the ground. Joey great pics all round. Garrett ones just great. LOL what we go thru for our kids.

Today was chilly, to me, white out from clouds, no precip but generally dismal.

Low 31
High 58
hum 70%
winds up to 19 mph

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Helluuuu! Everybody! The temp's still @ 42* & I promise that it's not stuck!

Rannveig, Glad you're back! What a time you must have had! The pic of Copenhagen is great! But he 2nd one is the best! You were pretty close! Neat-O!
E_B, I always have plans for my little acre....but seem to have trouble making it happen! One of these days....Like next spring! ;-)

Well, I think I'll go to bed...kinda pooped.
Editerd to say ~ Thanx Sally for the link of the mag! I glanced at it & will look it over tomorrow!

This message was edited Nov 13, 2006 10:28 PM

Thumbnail by music2keep
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

51.6°(F) 67% and dark no wind - I'm waiting for the rest of the leaves to fall so I can gather, chop & compost, I still have to go to my neighbors brothers for the cow dung. Hopefully I will have better soil next season, this year was disappointing to say the least however the few tomatoes I did get were fantastic - much better than what was available at the stores.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

It only takes a few tomatoes out of your own garden to make a convert.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Kelli, how nice to already have a clean house for your MIL. : )

Looks like January and February win worst months. February is hard for me. It's the longest month!

Sharon, any sky picture is a good picture! We're here because we love to discuss the weather. Here's a link to explain the poplar trees vs. poisons.

Joey, he's adorable!

Smiling at Early and the leaves.

Rannveig, glad you made it home safe. I think I would have been unsettled over that ride too. Love the pictures! I think your camera was just fine.

Joey, It's an expensive magazine, but they give a lot of reading for free. Like the deer on the move.

Dyson, cow dung sounds great! I didn't get as many tomatoes to can as I wanted, but I opened a jar to drink, and it's perfection, if I do say so myself.

It was and still is 34* at 4:45 am. The wind will shift to the south (yaaay) and will be cloudy. We barely got a tenth of an inch of rain yesterday. I need to do a load of towels and dusting rags and hang them out!


Thumbnail by billyporter
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

45.1°(F), 72% - seems like the new location for the remote temp/hum is going to work out well. La Casa de doublewide is in pretty good shape for the shape it's in. Need to do some winterizeing before Jan. though, the cars need it also. Always sumptin!

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Joey - DS didn't have any problems having his pic taken when he was little huh?!
Rann - Welcome back! Scary flight Sounds like you had a great time! Love the pics. Copenhagen is just gorgeous, even in the rain. It's a shame BK had to put their sign in the middle of town. I love GM's music and still think he's hot!
Blooms- I agree, home grown veggies are so much better - so much flavor! Well worth the effort. I've had a garden for so long, but last year my "crops" didn't do well. Had to go to containers this year.
Here's the forecast: high today is 75 (we're in Spring mode now)!
Temp: 54°F
Humidity: 75%
Wind Speed: calm
Barometer: 29.94 in.
Dewpoint: 46°F
Heat Index: 54°F
Wind Chill: 54°F
Sunrise: 6:50 AM EST
Sunset: 5:29 PM EST
Here is one of the B&Bs downtown.

Thumbnail by MySharona

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