November's daily weather 2006, Part II

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow have we been busy!
I was in 20mph winds all last night, but have plenty of warm clothes to keep me warm.
The moon was bright!
East Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
Elevation: 615 ft / 187 m
61.2 °F / 16.2 °C
Clear .....Sunny
Humidity: 67%
Dew Point: 50 °F / 10 °C
Wind: 7.8 mph / 12.6 km/h from the North
Wind Gust: 11.2 mph / 18.0 km/h.
This picture is reminiscent of my childhood on the plains of North Texas.

Come by often and post your pictures and let us know what's happening in your neighborhood.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
(Zone 5a)

That is a nice photo Sidney!

Kelli - I haven't heard of Malic acid - thanks for the link :-)

Kiska - Hope you have a wonderful trip to Cancun :-) I'm sure it'll be a welcome break from the cold! And then when you've had enough of the heat it'll be sooooo nice to go back home ;-) I like your snow photo - imagine all that snow in april!

It's dark now - and been dark since around 5:30 - I really hate this time of year - makes me want to hibernate till spring. I guess it's more of a shock when you've become used to bright evenings and nights ..... something gloomy about driving around in the dark at 5:30 ...... don't like it at all. We're loosing 7 min. a day now ...... But enough whining - it's still wet, no sign of snow - still keeping my fingers crossed that the storm will pass us by so we'll make our flight tomorrow. And I FINALLY went and got the tires changed so I'm ready for winter :-)


(Zone 3b)

Sugarweed, 61 and sunny sounds good; looks like the winds have died down a bit, too. What a nice setting for a home, pretty.
rann-glad you've got the tires changed over-you may need before you get back.
MySharona- while in Palmer this morning, I took a photo of the Milepost. As you can see, it's 5,168 to Ft. Lauderdale, which is a bit south of you, but it's an idea of the distance. Japan is only 2,870 miles from here. Lenigrad is also less than Florida, 4,083 miles .
It's 11:15 am, 4 degrees and partly sunny.

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 5a)

Neat photo Kiska! I'm surprised how far it is to FL from where you are - I don't suppose Iceland is on there - but I'm guessing it's about half way around the world ;-)

Bad news regarding the storm - it's looking to be even bigger than last weekend - they'll get a snowstorm in the north. All flights to and from Keflavik have been postponed tomorrow morning ..... so we'll have to wait and see how the day goes. I really hope the weather will let up sometime tomorrow - we have tickets to a George Michael concert in Copenhagen on Saturday night and I was really looking forward to it ! Crossing my toes as well ......

(Zone 3b)

rann - so the storm is coming your way - sorry it's going affect travel plans. I just looked online at AirMileage calulator, and it's 3,360 miles from here to Reykjavik. over the Top..
Years ago, the slogan for Anchorage was, "Air Crossroads of the World"..
It's now up to 10 degrees with it looking more and more like it's going to snow; clouds becoming grayer.
Matanuska River todoay-the ice is flowing beneath the rising fog..

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 5a)

So we're not that far apart after all! Nice photo, not sure I could take that much cold for such an extended time. We're so used to getting warm spells in between freezes ;-)

It's raining hard now and the wind's picking up :-( Storm's coming this way ...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It's been another beautiful day here. It's been dry (for us!) for the last couple of days, but the humidity is starting to creep back into the area and there is a 20% chance of rain tomorrow and through the weekend.

Sidney, I used to live out in the boonies of northern Ohio (not quite as far north as Toledo, though), and that picture made me distinctly homesick! There are a lot of similarities between that part of Ohio and North Texas as far as the topography is concerned, but the plants are all wrong. It still feels weird to drive around in the country here and not to know what all the crops and flowers are along the road... I'm getting better at the Texas plants now, though! :-)

Current conditions:
Mostly Clear 82°F (28°C)
Dew Point: 69°F (21°C)
Humidity 64%
Pressure: 29.76 in
Wind speed: 14MPH
Heat Index: 86°F

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Joey/m2k: I love the picture of your son! Typical teen - too cool to be photographed!
Weather this evening (6pm) in coastal Carolina:
Wind: SW at 6 mph
Humidity: 53%
Forecase for the weekend is 78 and sunny....And I have the day off tomorrow. I truly cannot complain.

Rann: I will send sunny and calm thoughts your way!


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Evening! Everybody! It's 54* & cooling down...Was a really nice day for working at the hatchery! We deboned those fillets! in record time & the guy (George) that runs the place Gave me 5! of them! Yippeee! Soooo, you know we're having trout for supper!
Dyson! Nice shot of the Blue Ridge!
Rannveig I hope the storm lets up! I would like to hear George Michael, too! Hope there is no problems....
Sidney, I used to live on the outskirts of Cleveland close to an Amish community....very similar!
Kiksa, That's a great shot of the fog on the river! It's a strange effect...unique!
Thanx, Deb...very typical (for him)
Well ~ gotta fix those fillets!


This message was edited Nov 9, 2006 6:27 PM

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Joey – that’s so funny about your son. It’s amazing how he gets his hand in that perfect spot that blocks his face! We can’t keep Justin away from the camera, he’s quite the ham! He & Jeff get along very well. Jeff wakes Justin up every morning by wrestling. I’ll hear this thump against the wall and groans! It’s very funny! Envy about the trout!
Kiska – take summer clothes! Cancun’s forecast is 80’s to 70’s. Kiska’s gonna get a tan!! Ft. Lauderdale is 360 miles south of us, so that makes us 4,808 miles from Palmer – a little closer!
Kelli – I don’t like my pic taken either. The reason being, my thyroid stopped working 1½ years ago. I’m still losing the 60lbs I gained before the docs got me on the proper meds. 20 more to go!! I’ll be back to normal about pics the closer I get to my regular weight.
Dyson – beautiful picture!! I live on lists! I’ll forget unless I write it down! Call it CRS (can’t remember stuff)!
Rann – I hope the bad weather by-passes you (keeping my fingers crossed). Oooh, George Michael, I would love to see him in concert. We just had Journey/Def Leppard and Rod Stewart is coming.
My phals in the Spring..I miss my pretty blooms!

Thumbnail by MySharona
(Zone 3b)

6:30pm; dark, 6 degrees..
Sharon - I'm packed and ready...I own 3 tank tops and 3 light-colored pants...a tan? been so long since I've had a tan, can't even remember it....Love your flowers...and, sounds as if your boys get along well...
Glad you had a fun day and brought home fish, too..joey

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh dear, behind again. Thanks everyone for the cider press comments; I really love that thing and yes, it is old!

Sharon what a couple of lovable goofs you have.

Love the green barn Sugar.

Kiska, have a great trip and bottle some of that sun and surf.

Joey, trout! I wondered if they were catfish.

Sharon, what are your flowers? I love them!

Rannveig, A walnut tree. It spans almost 60' Since we have three, this one is the Sidewalk Walnut. I also have a House Walnut and an Alley Walnut. (I name everything!)

I got so busy today I forgot to check the temp. I was wrong, it's going to rain tomorrow, around noon. Today was beautiful! I cut the asparagus fronds, walked around town and took pictures, and filled my seed starter with sterile potting soil. I'm ready to plant tomatoes and peppers. If it was April!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

These are the hulled and washed walnuts.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

And a close-up

Thumbnail by billyporter
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

that's a lot of work husking them walnuts, good job.
Sharona, lovely orchid and great family you've got there.
Dyson, that picture looks full sun not dark to me.
Joey, some young guys just get that way. It'll pass.
Rann, I do hope things clear so you can get to your concert. i too hate the long nights of winter.
Kiska, that's full blown winter going on there. Wow. You might want some shorts down there in Cancun. But you are right to protect your skin.
BillyP, I walked around my yard and took pictures.
It warmed itself to 78* today after a 43* start.
We still have yellow leaves on the trees and I found lots to photo in my yard.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
(Zone 3b)

10pm- 10 degrees calm and quiet. BillyP your walnut tree looks like a great one to climb or put up a's huge..and, I'd love to save some sun for later this winter :)
Blooms-enjoying the view of your yard/garden, the up-ended cowboy boot caught my attention ; is there a story there? I
Mainstreet Palmer - looking N at the Talkeetna Range.. 9:30 this morning. It was 2 degrees.

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 5a)

Nice photo kiska - you know that could be somewhere here in Iceland - looks very similar :-) Well, the storm's blowing but fortunately for us it's not as bad as forcasted and our flight is one of only two today that are not delayed as of this moment. The morning flights are departing as I'm writing this so things are looking promising - I think I'll make the concert after all!

billyporter - that is a nice looking tree - and so huge! You sure get a lot of walnuts!!

Kiska, you're already packed ????!!!!???? I wish I was so organised - I have to leave for the airport in less than 2 hours and I'm not packed yet! Us Icelanders are a bit of a last minute bunch ;-) Well - better finish packing!
Have a nice weekend all - and Kiska have a great trip!!!


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Every Body! It's 42* and very Dark!
Sharon , I love that Orchid! They are so pretty, but I have always been afraid to try them. My house is very dry in the winter ~ I have to mist everything daily.
Sally, the water here is too cold for raising catfish. Arctic Char grow well here...Walnuts were a bumper crop around here this year & it looks as tho it was there as well!
The trout was great! Wish I could have shared with you all!
Blooms! Love the color, but the boot has that "homey" effect....Like someone came to visit & didn't wanna leave! ;-)
Kiksa, get the bathing suit out! It will be so warm, you will want to leave it on!
Well, gotta get ready for school & then it's back to the trout lodge!
Rannveig, Have a safe trip ~ I know you will enjoy that concert!

Have a Great Day !


Thumbnail by music2keep
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Somehow I missed the jump - but I caught up - widely scattered intermittent light - 49.1°(F), 76%, think I'll try moving the outdoor unit to the back side of la casa doublewide this afternoon.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL, Dyson.
Well it was 48º on the way home this morning.
Snow is headed this way.
About to fall asleep!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Good morning!

Yesterday was glorious...77 degrees and beautiful. Today they are calling for 74 and it's already 65 with the morning haze still around. Gonna go downhill from there though...tomorrow's high will be in the 40's and rain moving in. typical November weather...can't decide if it wants to be winter or summer.

I'll be indoors all day tomorrow though. I'm doing another photo shoot. This time it's 'Pet Portraits For Charity'...local vet hospital has invited me in and folks can bring their animals to me for 'glamor shots'. Some of you all who have frequented the pets forum have seen some of the previous shoots.

The vet is covering all of my expenses and each person gets a free 5x7 photo of their pet. We have a donation jar there and if they feel like it, they can donate to the charity we have selected for this time. This shoot will have all of the donations go to the local Easter Seals Center...for physically and mentally challenged children. I think it's going to be a big one...I've even had calls at home with people asking about it.

I'll post a thread in pets when I get done...folks over there really like to see all of the animals.

Someone asked about rain and cotton harvest...yes, it can really mess one up. Not your average little showers's those soaking downpours that can put things to a halt...soybeans too. There's quite a bit of soy in the fields right now that got flooded the end of Sept that will never be harvested. The water got over the plants and covered them in mud. The harvester machines can't get into the muddy fields without getting stuck, so it's cheaper just to turn them under in the spring...corn is the same way. The fields that are on high ground are usually not affected, it's the riverbottom lands that are the most vulnerable...(of course, they're the richest soil too) Of course, 'high ground' is just a term we use around here....highest point for miles is just over 400 ft above sea level.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, I’m a little late getting to this today. Had to clean the house for more company this weekend. Overnighters only.
Billy – Those are Phaelanopsis orchids. I have several different types. My dad was a huge orchid lover. He built a greenhouse the size of a small house in the backyard. I used to help him out, but didn’t really acquire a love for them until about 3 years ago. I’m sure that walnut tree is gorgeous when blooming. How many bushels(?) of walnuts will the tree produce?
Blooms - I love the boot! So many pretty colors in your yard!
Joey – love the bird feeder! We have 2 and 1 squirrel feeder.
Melody – very cool about the “pet portraits for charity”. Such a great idea to raise money for a charity.
One of our squirsel mistaking the bird feeder for the squirrel feeder!

Thumbnail by MySharona
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Meet the new day - same as the old day... (not that that is a bad thing)

Updated: 12:51 PM PST on November 10, 2006
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
80 °F / 27 °C
Humidity: 12%
Dew Point: 22 °F / -5 °C
Wind: 9 mph / 15 km/h from the NW

Thumbnail by Kelli
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

73.2°(F) this is much more believable - Think the move to the back side of la casa de doubelwide was a good move.
50% - it's comfortable.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Low this morning - 34*
Hi - 62*
Hum 17%

The boot is just for fun. A pair I picked up at a yard sale turned out to not fit well enuff to walk in.
they kicked around the house a while and I just decided on a whim to hang em over the posts that used to hold a fence along that line. The other one is up front near a semi dead peach tree that I hang things in like birds in a cage and chimes.

This Pink Fairy rose continues to throw flowers even as it's leaves turn yellow and fall. The purple is a Mexican Salvia that will be dead after the first real freeze. I bring one home from Ca in the spring and enjoy it all summer. It's cheaper than a dozen roses and lasts longer. LOL

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I'll have to come back and read everyones weather reports. My computer is running slow so I'll have to shut down and get back on. Meanwhile, I need to wash my hair.

It RAINED!!!!! 6/10'' last time I looked. It has been DARK all day and we had ominous thunder come in from the west after dinner. Power went out from 12:45 pm to 1:54 pm, so it never got too cold in here. The dishwasher was just ready to boot out the first rinse. Oh well, dishes got done later.

DH ran into hail on his way to work, but after the thunder only brought us big ploppy melted hail. Farther north they had some ice. Most likely the reason for the power out.

It is 38*, windy, dark, raining and wonderfully miserable outside!

Sorry to take your word dark, Dyson, but it's kind of fun to keep saying it.



L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

The pink rose and salvia are a great combination.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Blooms, I have vinal gloves and wear a pair of cotton gloves over them. Then I sit down with two buckets. One for the hulls and one for the nuts. Then comes the long process of washing them! Dorty nuts aren't fun to crack. You have nice colors left to shoot. I love thr fall color of the boot. : )

Nice quiet streets Kiska.

More pretty reds! Is that a suet feeder Joey? I just put 2 fresh cakes out yesterday.

Melody, that is so neat! I'll bet it's frustrating a t times, but what fun!

Sharon, they're beautiful! I almost didn't think they were real. I love them! I don't even

want to know how many bushels! Try cartloads. I pick up at least 2 bucketfulls when they start to fall. Our nuts aren't very tasty. I go to my mother in laws to get good ones, or the neighbors tree. Exellent shade tree tho! , 5 gallon buckets of nuts will be 1, 5 gallon bucket of shelled nuts! Silly squirrel!

Kelli, from your high temps, is 80* tolerable? Love your photo!

Dyson, laughing! Stay cool!

Blooms, what a perfect color combo! I like the red outline on the leaves too. So calming.

34* and windy! Glad I'm inside! Hair's washed, jammies are on, hot Earl Grey tea and CSI is taping. Life is good! ;>))

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Evenin' Ya ! It's an extremely Warm ! 63* ! I cannot believe how Hot it got today...I nearly cooked at the trout lodge & was thankful when it was time to go feed the babies! It has to be a certain temp (cool) in the building where they are kept (away from predators/ birds). We spent the day cleaning out around the raceways (leaves & such). I think I have talked them into planting Flora!!! Yesterday 25,000 roe were we'll have More babies. I also found out that the fillets that we deboned will be going to the Greenbrier Hotel! I kind of feel honored that what I helped fillet is going to a 4 Star resturant!
Sharon, I always laughed at my dad....he gave up feeding the birds & just fed the squirels....and it started just like what I see in your pic! :-)) Mine is not a suit feeder...I won't put that one out until late Dec.
Blooms, The colors of those Beauties blend sooo well together! Nice!
Sally, It sounds like you Need some serious rest! I remember doing walnuts with my granny & hate the stain! It had to wear off!

Well, got to download some new pix


Thumbnail by music2keep
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Love that picture! He looks ''wild.''

So cool to be filleting for a restraunt. Did you have any experience filleting before that? I never had to clean fish. Dad and the boys did that.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Sally, about as wild as he gets is the runnin' everywhere. He's pretty much spoiled! He's a creature of habit, too. Has to go to bed at a certain time & if I don't got to bed when he does he will come to me in about 30 minutes to get me! (he sleeps at the bottom of the bed on a pallet that I made him).
And no experience filleting at all...the guy that runs the hatchery gave me a crash course in about 10 minutes. I have gutted & stuff (scaled), but never the pretty fillets & de-boning. I always just tried to pick all of those bones I ate.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow, so you're a quick learner. Apparently you didn't butcher them.

Dogs, ya gotta love them! My cats, one in paticular, wants me out of bed at, well, he would like it to be 4:00 am. Then he tries at 5, 6 and I usually get up at 6:30, when DH is on nights. Otherwise, he gets his wish at 4:30 am. : )

This is THE only color in my yard and it was a suprise. Geranium, Johnsons Blue.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sally, my geranium macr something or other also throws the lovely reddish color in the fall. It's a treat to the eye, the different leaves in the gardens this fall. I only did walnuts once... that was really enough. LO

Dyson, don't feel too bad - our local tv ad station runs temps, etc across the bottom of the screen. In the winter it's obvious they have not adapted for the lowered sunlight. And they blatantly let it read out 90s all winter long.

Joey, the black one looks a bit like a southern black leopard. [saw one on Disney]

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Blooms, I've had these for a few years and this is the first time I've ever seen it. It's so pretty! I'm not used to having pinks and purples for fall colors. My Mom used to crack walnuts on an anvil that sat on the basement steps when I was a kid. Walnuts, try to crack and clean hickory nuts!

Do animals in the woods take on a different look? Ever see the picture of the wolf behind the tree looking out? Only half of it's face is showing. Then they ask, or is it a bear? You really can't tell. I do think it's a wolf tho.

Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Northwestern Missouri: Hi everyone. Well a few days ago it was in the mid 80's, yesterday in the mid 70's, and today or right now it's in the upper 30's!!! It is windy, cold, and winterlike this evening.Lows in the 20's expected tonight.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

LOL, Blooms! He Thinks that he's sneaky, but he isn't. He "hides" behind trees when I am coming up the driveway & thinks that I don't see him!
Sally, I did butcher some, but was faster at the filleting. I suppose it was all about the speed cuz we had to get them in the freezer.


The Trout Lodge

Thumbnail by music2keep
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

ROTFL Joey. I meant butcher as in cut them up badly!!!

Pretty lodge. Love the ornamental grass!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

That's where you spend your days ??? wow.

(Zone 3b)

6pm; 20 degrees very dark. The earlier post didn't "go". Such interesting things going on out there and sights of places/pets/and squirrels make for a really neat site here. Seeing the colorful flowers still in bloom is a real treat..and, what a wide range of temperatures there, for you, cuckoo. Is that a normal pattern?
Matanuska River/last year/looks the same today..

Thumbnail by kiska
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Kiska, I love your photo. Especially the water washing towards you! I got a kick out of that being last year's photo. If it looks the same what difference does it make? Laugh!

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