does anyone want to split a watsonia order with me?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i am prob. going to have about 40-50 dollars worth of bulbs when it's all said and done. there is red and white with pink and apricot and orange and peach and some other color i think. anyway it would be 5 bulbs per color for your money. they do have names if that interests you. we also get a free pack of bulbs with our order and you will get half of those. i can send the money to the ebayer and then you can paypal me. lmk if anyone is interested. thanks. barb

also, if you want to see pictures of the plants i can direct you to the seller's site.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I would love to look at these and see what they are and maybe do this...dmail me the site..okay...

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

oh, janet if you like glads you are going to love these. i will go now and find that site for you.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

doesn't. o.k go to ebay and check under bulbs. look up willow creek gardens i think. or just type in watsonia. do that. then you will see all the colors. i have already bought outright the cherry and one or two other ones. now am bidding on a couple of others. lmk what you think. barb

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)
here is another site..they are lovely...have you had them before? They are very pretty and sound tough...I didn't notice what zones they are hardy you know? Tell me more, tell me!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Janet & Barb, I noticed that it's a South African native, so it should grow well in Georgia wouldn't you think?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

they are listed as zone 8. i have some white and some orange already. but just got them this year so have never seen bloom. i have a bid going that is at least 4-5 days out so there is no rush on this.

i have found that not a lot of people know this bulb so don't know if there any experienced growers among us to tell us if they might make it in your zone. do you grow glads without having to dig them up? if you can i would guess that these would be o.k. too but i don't KNOW it.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I think it would, it is very pretty and gets really tall too..good cut flower...Maybe we can do a three way split...

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I leave my glads in the ground along with calla and sprecklia, so I bet they would do just fine left in the ground.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Last year I bought my first watsonias from Easy to Grow Bulbs. Out of about 20 bulbs, I had 1 flower, very pretty, just like the pictures. Mine is whitish with a pink center.

I expect they will do great this year. The same thing happened to me with glads, first year so so, 2nd year absolutely fantastic. Will post my watsonias in mar/apr

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

janet, janet, get you some!!!

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8b)

now you've got me thinking...........................uh-oh....................Erin

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm holding my breathe thinking if I click on another nursery link....well I just need to break my fingers. "grin"

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

yeah, come on janet, somebody hep me.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Mamajack, I am IN! LOL Deborah, I am the same way...NO MORE GARDEN SITES...I think a I need a Meeting...LOL....Plants AA....I keep saying NO MORE and then my enablers get to me...LOL Nery, I love glads, so YES, I M UST have these...I just got some "Sweet Laura" Alstroemeria, and I can't wait for it to bloom next year, it was on my list of HAVE TO HAVEs for close to a year! Got lucky and Sterling had some when I went to see her, and shared with me...what a great garden she has! Lots of semi-shade and shade plants that I had never grown!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

o.k. janet it will be a few days. when the bidding is over and the damage is done i will write and tell you what i have. you can go in on halves for any or all. if anyone else wants a few bulbs let me know and i will coordinate with janet how we can do it. thanks to everyone. and esp. to nery for getting to you, janet. hahahaha we're in "the bulbs", girl so be happy. barb

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

Watsonia do fantastic and should be very hardy to zone 8, possibly zone 7. The plants do get big, very big and the flowers make great cut flowers, beautiful long stems and last a long time. Some people do not like them because they grow nice foliage, flower in spring or early summer and then the foliage just looks bad. They get all brown and ratty looking. The thing people do not understand is that you can just cut them back to the ground, even cutting while they still have green foliage. As soon as they are cut back they will put up beautiful new foliage that will last till the next summer. They will tolerate wind and the deer are not SUPPOSED to eat them. One thing to remember, do not overwater, they require no summer water here. And one result of overwatering is lots of foliage and no blooms. They are great for a bank that you don't water regular. They are almost a no care plant, they do not need staking, fertilizer, water, just a haircut after flowering. The only way you can damage is overwater. And they are beautiful.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

WOW, Rebecca, thanks so much for all of the information!!! I have a whole back yard of BANK...I was wondering if I would have to stake it...I have some glads that I love, but they fall every year...they bloom when I am not able to be out working in the garden, and I try to just go out and cut them and bring them in every few days so I can enjoy them..I would love to be able to enjoy them IN the garden too...LOL, but they will have to be staked in order to do that...but this is wonderful news!!! I can't wait, Barbara!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i feel the same way janet. i think they are gorgeous and i don't care what they do after they flower. hello rebecca. thanks for the input on these.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I am growing Watsonias in my Texas zone of 8 B..mine are a loverly pink...They grow quite tall..mine were about 3-4+ feet tall..Mine have been in the garden for 2 years and multiply well...can you post that link..I would like to see the other colors...Jeanne

This message was edited Nov 9, 2006 5:27 PM

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh here they are 10 bulbs for $9.95
Mine is called "Double Vision"

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That will teach me... I should look up the zone before I click to enlarge the photo! Zone envy. LOL

Gorgeous blooms!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

these folks look just like "easy to grow bulbs" home page. jeanne, i see you found the page we are all talking about. your pinks are so pretty. barb

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

the ones I got at ETGB are Snow Bells. Mine are sort of close to sprinkler head. I hope that's not the reason they didn't flower--I'm hoping it was more like 1st year blahs.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

jeanne/rebeccanne, i forgot to ask: do you have to stake them like glads?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

nery, i read somewhere that they don't need staking. maybe rebecca said that. she did.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Towards the end of their blooming period, from the weight of all the blooms...the blooms start opening at the bottom and work up to the top.....some do start to fall over..I just cut the stalks off when they finish blooming rather than be bothered with staking..they are done anyway...Jeanne

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

o.k. janet..........we got cherry splash, double vision, and early dawn. i also won some tritonia and the total cost so far is 34.10. when it's all over i will subtract the cost of this plus one dollar shipping as that is what the robbers charge. lol.

still bidding on some others. will keep you posted. barb

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Cool, can't wait to here more!

Gold Beach, OR(Zone 9a)

I am doing a landscaping job now using watsonia. I am putting them in a row down a drive way. I am using 4-5 of the colored ones and then 2-3 of white. My thoughts are that the white will really set off the colored ones. I am using 9 colors and then the whites between. Easy to grow bulbs has some fantastic colors. These are a relative of glads, but just way more beautiful. They are growing here in the sand dunes with no summer watering at all and in pure sand. I would also be careful and not put too much fertalizer on them, they do so well in the sand and bloom very well. If you do fertilize you may get too much foliage and not much bloom. And I have only had the flower stalks fall over after the bloom period, then I whack them to the ground. Thats the only maintance I do at all. You just can't go wrong with them. Hello mamajack, we need to talk again. I feel a trade coming on....

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

girlfriend i know. i have seen so many new things lately. why, oh why, couldn't i have been born rich? i am just so mad about that. i am hog wild over lycoris right now too. i have wanted watsonia since the spring but easy to grow didn't have any and then there was everything else.

o.k. janet............there is peach glow, snow bell, ablaze and flamboyant left. there is also a solid white but i have a white and am not going to buy theirs until i see mine bloom. i got the whites from a lady in calif. and don't have a clue if they are solid white or not. so i will wait on those. before i knew what i was doing i bought the cherry splash and double vision outright and then i noticed the ones that were being bid on. i got early dawn for 8.25. i think the others were 9.95 or something like that. so we have spent 30 bucks between us. i will try to do better on the rest. although they may make me try to go ahead and pay after 7 days if it happens to go over that but i will hold firm that they have to wait. shipping is ridiculous..........but i have asked for a discount. 6.50 plus 1.00 additional items.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

janet she IS going to work with us and give us a break on shipping. i just have to ask before i pay. do you think i will forget that? no i won't. she said i would pay what she pays. heehee. i did tell her that we were talking up her business on daves. she liked that. hahahahaha i had to ask her the discount question in 2 separate emails as she didn' t answer me the first time. i almost let it go but my Mississippi Hillman roots would not have allowed me to sleep without that discount.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you have paypal? I can send you my part that way if it will help. Just let me know.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Way to go!!! Persistence! I love it!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i do have paypal and when the time comes i will let you know.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

okay...have a goodnight..or should I say morning...LOL

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

So you are the one who has been bidding against me.GRRRR Just kidding. I just sent them payment for way to many auctions. This is so addictive. I was not quite this insane before I found Daves. Now I have so many friends to play with. MaMaJack what Lycoris are you wanting. I may have some red if that's what you need.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

lol. i almost posted a thread entitled DO NOT BID ON THE WATSONIA! thanks for the offer of red lycoris but i have hundreds of red ones. you want some of mine? hahaha i want yellow and white and pink and peach and orange and pink with blue and........yes it is awful.

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