Editing the Category Title?

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi, I don't know if this question has been asked or not. just way to many post to search thru.
I was going to do a journal and messed up :( geesh...
I named the category Seeds I winter Sowed, I would like to change it, but can't find where to edit it... This is all that shows up on the page...

Welcome to cegoins's Journal: Default

cegoins's Journal Summary:

This journal has 0 items inside of 1 category.

View by Category
The numbers to the right of the category name indicate the number of items within that category.

Seeds I Winter Sowed (0) how do I edit this?

Thanks Connie

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

First go to the link that says Manage Categories, then click on the category you want to rename. Then on the next page, you'll see an option that says rename this category.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

There is no link to manage categories or to manade anything, not even an edit button, no where on the page.

So now what do I do?


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

There should be if you go to your main journal page (easiest way to get to the right place is click on the journals tab, then click on manage your own journal, that will take you to your main page, and under the heading "Main Menu" you will see the manage categories option. I think you may be on the right page already and just need to scroll down a little farther to see this section, but in case you're maybe on a different page follow my directions and that will for sure take you to the right place.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Could it be that all the steps are not completed????

When I click on Journals I get this
Welcome to the Gardener's Journal Search Journals:

Dave's Garden members can maintain their own garden journals, and view journals created by other members.

Manage your own garden diary
View other garden diaries

Manage your own journal
View other journals

When I click on Manage your own Journal
I get this

Welcome back to your "Default Journal" Journal, cegoins Jump to RID: Search your journal:

Step 3...
You now need to start your journal off by adding for first item. You do this by going to the category in which you want this item to be created. When you have selected your category, then click on "Add a new item".
Select the category from the list below:

Seeds I Winter Sowed (0)

when I click on - Seeds I Winter Sowed
I get this

Journal: Adding a New Item Jump to RID: Search your journal:

Adding a New Item
Common name:





On what day does this journal entry begin?

Do you have an initial comment to make about this item?

What is the status of this item?


So do I have to complete the 3rd step in order to be able to edit and change the category title???


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes--my directions were assuming that you had finished the journal setup already. So I would go ahead and add something in, you can even make something up and then delete it later just so that you have something. Once you do that and finish any remaining steps in the setup (I think that's the last one but it's been a long time since I set mine up) then you should be able to see the things I'm describing and fix your category name.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much ecrane3, will post here, how it turns out :o)


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Got it, thanks for all your help,


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