Mexican Heather

Chatsworth, GA

My mom has some Mexican Heather planted in her garden and I would like to get some cuttings from them. How do I do this?

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I received some Mexican Heather from a friend. We actually cut down on the side of some of the plants with a spade and got some roots with the couple of sprigs. They have taken off like gang busters. I did have a few branches to break off and I put these in potting mix with a little rooting hormone on the ends. The ferny leaves did wilt. I just moistened the soil more than I would for other cuttings and the leaves opened again. I'm far from an expert. This is just my little tad of experience with mexican heather. Maybe someone else can enlighten us more.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Do they overwinter in the ground?

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes, according to my friend who has had hers in the ground for years.

Waycross, GA(Zone 8a)

In reference to pins2006's note, I live in zone 8, about 45 minutes from the Florida line, in south Georgia. There was mexican heather planted in the beds around my house that I bought about 5 years ago. Every winter it dies all the way back. In the spring I cut the dead parts all the way back and it comes back beautifully in the spring. As a matter of fact, every year it gets bigger and fuller. I love it! Good luck.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I'll try my luck with it next year. I hope it lives this far north.

Thanks, Cheryle

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Cheryle, I live in 7a and I have 2 mexican heathers that have survived 2 winters in the ground. I cut them back to ground level after the first real freeze and mulch really well (like 4 - 6 inches). I did lose several the first winter but they were not as well mulched as the two that lived.

And now I have 3! They're so big and thick it's hard to tell but I think a branch rooted where it was touching the ground.

Good luck!

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