Mild temps for this coming week!!!

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Its suppose to be in the 50 - 60's this week in mid west Michigan!
Time to spray Wilt-Pruf on my roses and get some last minute gardening done!
I still have things in pots that need to go in the ground.
What are you guys up to?

Thumbnail by Cottage_Rose
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

oh what a lovely scenery, suppose to be the same temps here in lower Mi. too :o)

I am trying to find out info on if I should plant these Anemone coronara bulbs I just received from a lady trader..


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I'm forum hoping today, Glad I got to see the color on your trees. WE're supposted to be in the low 60s for most of the coming week. we still have color left - just past peak, where the yellows go to a muted gold.

I too, have plants and tulip bulbs left to put in the ground and we're dropping to 35/4 F nightly. It's past time to have done these things. I procrastinate. It's sunny out there and I think I'll do some of the tulips with my next cuppa coffee.

You have a right pretty neighborhood there. I used to live in upstate NY and I miss the reds of fall, out here it's pretty much yellow. ~Blooms

Glennie, MI(Zone 5a)

We have 53 today.
We have been getting all the garden equipment put away for the winter
Did the pontoon,today..Trying to get some leaves raked,what we don`t get will have to get chopped up in the spring..
Put patio stones down for a floor in the greenhouse..Going to try to grow year round.
Now its time to finish cutting the wood for the outside wood furnace.Hubby has about 7 pulp cord to go..
Hope this weather lasts for a few days.. Aleta

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Isn't this weather to die for!!! I couldn't decided to wear a long sleeve shirt or a short sleeve. Decided on a short sleeve with a sweat shirt over the top.

Bought a ton of new bulbs, moved a ton of daffys, and just walked around the gardens smiling. Now THIS is the fall we needed in Sept!! Still have several big pots to get in the barn and the bird bath.

Can't wait until tomorrow!!

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Well I HOPE I can get some work done this week without the Asian Lady Beetles attacking me. On warm days they swarm and can be a pain in the butt, flying into you hair, crawling down your shirt and biting you! UGH! Does anybody else have this problem?

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We had them real bad about 3 years ago, but haven't seen too many this year.

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