looking for pest and crack-resistant tomatoes

Glen Riddle Lima, PA

i'm starting my list for next year's garden and i'm looking for tomatoes that don't crack so much. i've so far been gardening organically, and grew jaune peche, yellow pear, marvel stripe, red pear, green zebra, red brandywine, and sweet 100 tomatoes. i love green zebra but my plants tend to die off mid-summer, right after the first harvest. i don't know why. the pears and 100's grew well this year. i had alot of cracking because of the heavy rains throughout our season (i'm in zone 6a, PA),

any suggestions on tomatoes for next year? i'd love to use heirloom types if possible. i'll have to plant jaune peche again, as it's my favorite tomato, but looking for 1 beefsteak type, 1 paste tomato, and cherry/pear tomatoes.



Orgiva, Granada, Spain

I've not got a great deal of experience in tomato growing, only 3 years but this year Rio Grande were good paste tomatoes for me, I harvested loads, they make great sauce and no cracks :-))

Benton, KS(Zone 6a)

The "Husky Cherry Red" tomatoes did well for me this year. Wish we didn't have so many grape tomatoes and more of these cherry tomatoes actually. I didn't notice a lot of splitting in these but I did in the grape tomatoes. I know I will certainly add these cherries to my garden next year!

Oh....and some of those got to be a pretty good size for cherry tomatoes also....boy were they good.

This message was edited Nov 5, 2006 10:34 AM

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