Weight Loss Challange Nov. 4 - 11

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

What a wonderful week we have had. I'm so thankful for a nice fall. Yes it is cool, but after all this is Nov. in MO. We have had some nice rains this past month and that has helped some of us, hurt some of us. Arthritis type conditions & cool wet weather don't really go together well. But all it in all it has been a good week.

I ate pumpkin cheese cake at work last night so had an upset stomach all evening and up into this morning. One would think I would learn, huh?

We need to get going to town to do the SS checks, etc. We have to start wearing something on our hair at work so I'm going to try to find a turban this morning at one of the local wig shops. If not, one of those bandana type. Something with a brim seems to get in the way of me being able to see well. Why I do not know, but something out there over my forehead is like blinders on a horse.

Must get ready to go. GOD bless and keep each of you.

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