Feijoa sellowiana

Fulton, MO

I was fortunate recently to trade for some seedlings of Pineapple guava, Feijoa sellowiana. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with growing the plant in containers.


Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

I haven't grown them in pots, but I'm thinking they should do ok. What's your zone? Can you not put them in the ground? Remember that you have to have a couple of them to have them produce flowers. I don't know if it stays warm enough there for the flowers to turn into fruit.

I planted about 9 in early spring and they've grown well, but no flowers. I'll see what happens next year. I've had them on the coast of NC and they flowered fine, but didn't get the fruit.

Good luck.


Fulton, MO

Thanks, Barbara.

I'm zone 5b/6a. I'll keep them in the GH in the winter, and maybe put them outside in the summer.

Are you saying that there are male and female plants? I have 6 of them...I was thinking of trading some away, but maybe I won't until they get bigger and I can determine the sex of the plants.


Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)


This is a fun website to get info from on pineapple guava.



Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

They're not separate male and female, but many fruit trees will fruit better if you have two plants for pollination (and some won't bear fruit at all unless you have two). So if that's the case for these, I would keep at least a couple of the ones you have!

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