Anyone know what these ferns are?

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

These ferns started growing on their own on the north side of my house. I'm happy to have them, but it would be nice to know what they are. I couldn't get a picture to show the brown stalk that curls on the end that has come up on several of them.


Thumbnail by notgrnjean
Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Another picture

Thumbnail by notgrnjean
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

notgrnjean, Onoclea sensibilis - Sensitive Fern A nice fern but It can be pretty aggressive, so watch out!


Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank you, rcn48. It's been around for a couple of years but spread a lot this year when it got more light after a neighbor cut a tree down. When you say aggressive, do you mean that it would be hard to remove and keep gone if it ever got to an area where I didn't want it?

Edit: Posted this before reading the DG link you gave me. Sorry. I don't think I'm going to have a problem with where it spreads. When I finally get something else picked out for the soggy North side, it will be some kind of low-light shrubby thing(s) that will grow much taller than these ferns. If these ferns shade out everything underneath them, that is a plus for me where they are growing and spreading.

After clearing a ton of vinca and ivy, pulling or digging out these ferns seems very easy even if I have to repeat the act.

I was thinking of adding a few different kinds of ferns on the soggy North side. Not sure what kind. Would these ferns crowd other ferns out? I don't want to waste money buying other ferns if this would kill them.


This message was edited Nov 4, 2006 11:08 AM

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

notgrnjean, just look for some ferns with a more upright or vase shaped form. Ostrich Fern would be perfect for the conditions you're describing and provide a nice contrast for the Sensitive Fern.

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

That sounds like the perfect fern for me, rcn48. I want some height in that area, and I would be happy to have it from ferns instead of some shrubs. I think it would also do well in the area where I have the Autumn ferns (other thread).

I'm considering moving some Sensible fern to the woodsy Southwest area. Not close to the Autumn ferns because Sensitive seems so spreadable. If I do that, what time of year is best? Would I just dig a big clump of dirt and move the whole clump?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Notgrnjean and Debbie,
I have the same ferns they magically appeared at the base of a rock wall in my front yard. I’ve only seen them in one other place my Dad’s cabin which is a good 3 hr drive. I was going to post in the spring when they come again and I could get a picture. I’ve had them for several years now and they haven’t spread very far yet. I just love them. I also have some small fluffy ferns growing between the cracks in the rocks that I didn’t plant either. I need to get a picture and send it in for ID. This rock wall has been in place for about 30 years it really has a life of its own.

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