Hippeastrum x 'Supreme Garden'

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


I just got my 'Supreme Garden' amaryllis from Brent and Becky's and I am astounded and delighted!!!

More than 25 bulbs and offsets in the one clump!


Thumbnail by raydio
Mobile, AL

Oh! That is fantastic!

I have just added that to my must haves... Is this unusual or do they normally multiply that fast?

I want some of those for the garden!!!!

Thanks for sharing! I have never been so lucky, except for Blossom Peacock in a bulging pot purchased from the local Botanical Gardens sale.

Yup! You did GOOD!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

This is the norm for this one! Isn't that grand??!!!!!!

The Hippis that display this form are classed as "Klisters" or "Bloeiende Klisters" (from the Dutch and refers to or means the cluster of offsets or the offsets themselves.) They are easy to grow and flower. The main bulb can sprout 2 or 3 scapes. Cathy Osselton of Keukenhof (company) in Holland is working to develop other colors in the "Klister" group, which are in the red to orange range at present. The line is called their "Knight Garden" hybrids to go along with their "Queen of the Knight" and "Star of the Knight" series of hybrids.

I seperated my "Klister" (if that's correct usage of the term) into six or so divisions and planted them in a 12-inch pot. There are so many tiny little offsets that were emerging under the other bulbs, that I thought they would do better with more space between them.

They really are piled on top of one another with roots crossing down over lower bulbs to reach the soil. Don't know how long it takes a single bulb to develop three or more levels of offsetting off-sets. Would be interesting to take a single bulb and watch it multiply.....


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Robert, I wonder if this plant is very good at producing bulbs and offsets, but not so good at flowering. My Peruvian daffodil (sic) was disappointing in bloom, but produced massive numbers of offsets.

I look forward to your observations on this.

Cheers, Andrew

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Andy~

My Hymenocallis festalis only had one scape this year but multiplied well, too. I'm going to put it in the ground next year, as I had intended to this year (mumble-mumble). I think being in the pot caused the roots to heat up too much--too soon and that may have affected it, possibly cutting the season short.

Hopefully, since it was a newly planted small bulb planting this year, after growing for the year, it will produce more scapes next spring. I don't think they produce a lot per bulb anyway, so I'll be happy, whatever I get. Whatever the case, an established clump would make up, en masse, what a single plant might not provide.

According to what Veronica read writes in her book, 'Supreme Garden' is very floriferous as a clump; the main bulb(s) sending up as many as three scapes with 3-4 blooms each, as I said earlier, and the first set of offsets sending up 1 or 2, and the next ring 1, while smaller offsets just send up foliage. She said that she had as many as 9 scapes per 'Klister'. Three scapes from a bulb planted singly isn't bad either!

Now that is something. She is reporting on bulbs a bit larger than mine, so I don't expect this first showing to match hers. She doesn't report it, but I am hoping that the smaller bulbs might bloom later in the season or that the larger bulbs will re-bloom.......The light is better here in the South US........SG is said to be a vigorous grower, so the show could only get better fast.

Since my "Klister" is a newly planted bulb, I don't know how many of them will bloom right off the bat, but I am looking forward to finding out and will post results at DG.

BTW- the blooms are in keeping with the Hippis classed as "miniature". Each bloom is roughly 4.5 inches in diameter x 5 inches long. The color is described as bright orange, "exquisitely veined", with pointed tepals and and a bright yellow and emerald throat. Oooooooh!

When I got my big 'Klister' I felt better about having splurged the amount that I did, thinking at the time I was just getting one.


Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I can't wait to see photos of the blooms. An orange amaryllis - what could suit me better?! Must add this one to my list...


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


I like the oranges too. I'm looking forward to seeing a *good* close-up picture of SG. There just aren't any to be found it seems.


Mobile, AL

Oh, My!

Robert, It is a cutie pie...

Thumbnail by HSteacher
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Oooh, yes!

Isn't the delicacy delightful?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Goodness, I must have that one.

I've had some success crossing the cybisters with these.

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