Little blind mole thing

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

I guess this is wildlife of a sort... A little grey, short-tailed, blind thing with a high pitched squeak. I was rocking the stump of a big lilac that I'm going to take out, and this little thing popped out. I stopped, and it dove back in. I think I'll have to leave the unsightly stump til next year because it's late to be depriving this critter of a home.

What is it? I was going to plant some tulip bulbs, but is this one of those things that eats tulip bulbs?

Do squirrels eat tulip bulbs, and does anything eat daffodil bulbs?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a mole...their front paws kind of look like hands. They eat bugs, as far as I know. Squirrels are notorious bulb eaters! They haven't eaten mine yet, but they dig 'em up for some reason. Supposedly they won't eat daffodils, but I've read threads that say otherwise. You can discourage critters with chicken wire or similar, depending on the size you can leave it in place and the flowers will grow up through it

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks, claypa. I didn't realize I posted in the wrong forum. Thought I was in "Gardening for Wildlife", but you've answered my questions! I may give up on bulbs. I have a zillion squirrels which is probably why I've rarely had a blooming bulb those times I've tried them.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Whatsizname there,ahh...P Allen Smith, his site used to have instructions for rodent proof bulb planting set-ups, didn't look like too much trouble.
I think the administrators can move a thread pretty easily, not sure if it matters

Las Cruces, NM

"You can discourage critters with chicken wire or similar, depending on the size you can leave it in place and the flowers will grow up through it."

You can discourage 'em pretty well with a .22, too. ;-)

Patrick Alexander

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Maybe in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Here you get a trip to jail for discharging a firearm in city limits. As someone who has shot dozens of squirrells, I can tell with you complete confidence, there's plenty more where they came from. All it takes is one. Chicken wire is cheaper than .22 or 410 ammo and you don't have to stand guard over your bulbs. It might deter the particular squirrel you shoot, but it doesn't have a deterrent effect on the rest of the population.
Do you shoot moles? Chipmunks,mice?

Las Cruces, NM

"Maybe in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Here you get a trip to jail for discharging a firearm in city limits."

Probably here, too. I'm not sure, actually.

"Do you shoot moles? Chipmunks,mice?"

No, just tempted sometimes. Actually, out here the most obnoxious critters (not from a gardening standpoint, though) are white-winged doves. Not many moles, chipmunks, or mice.

Patrick Alexander

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Why are white winged doves a gardening problem?

Las Cruces, NM

As I said--they're obnoxious, but not from a gardening standpoint.

It's worth mentioning, though, that the guys who run pecan orchards accuse white-winged doves of eating their crop. The white-winged dove populations have exploded since pecans were introduced into the area, but IIRC they're actually eating fallen fruit, for the most part.

Patrick Alexander

This message was edited Nov 3, 2006 1:53 PM

Thornton, IL

notgrnjean-Please don't encourage moles in your yard. They can destroy the lawn, and worse still, the root systems of your perennials. Daffodils are fairly squirrel proof. A tulip I've managed to keep some of is, the red and yellow Kaufmanniana. They're nice with the daffs and grape hyacinths (narcissus and muscari). Here's some more info. on moles and the damage they do.

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks PG. I didn't realize they could be a problem for perennials. I've never seen any tunnel mounds in my so-called lawn area. This mole has won a dispensation for this winter 'cause I've broken my collar bone and won't be able to work on the lilac stump.

Maybe the neighbor's cat will do mole control patrol.

Thornton, IL

Oh dear. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Oh jeeze, you broke your collar bone! Oh my! You poor thing. How long will you be out of commission?

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks PG.

Well, I'm not sure, Equi. I fell off the roof yesterday while cleaning the gutters. The muscle spasms from all the other places I bounced upon are improving; the clavicle apparently will hurt for a long time. I'm going to see how well I can use my right foot and right arm tomorrow to plant a few more plants that I found while in Ohio. Gaultheria procumbens and Tiarella cordifolia. I couldn't find them here, and they were on sale for only $1.00 where I found them. And great looking plants! I can't let them die! Should have gotten my priorities straight and planted them before starting on the gutters.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it... keeping my fingers crossed that the weather stays mild enough to do it next week if everything is still hurting too much tomorrow, which, as far as bending, carrying, and stooping, I'm afraid it will be..

Er uhhh,

I'm going to see how well I can use my right foot and right arm tomorrow to plant a few more plants that I found while in Ohio
Not that I am attempting to discourage you but... if you take a nice big cat litter box or some other tray and toss those in your unheated garage and keep them damp but not moist over the winter, they should be just fine for you to plant next spring. You might also want to consider "heeling" them in. Stick them pot and all up next to your foundation on a nice bright and sunny side and have a friend go and toss wood chips around them nice and deep and they'll probably be perfectly fine too. Other than that, window wells can work well too. You probably shouldn't be out there digging holes my friend. I'm no medical doctor but digging holes and lifting bags of soil and mulch seems to me to be a tad bit too physical for you right about now. I do know how you feel and if I lived closer to you I swear I'd come over and get those last plants in the ground for you. Really sorry you fell off the roof. Really glad you didn't break more than what you broke which is bad enough already. Poor you.

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