Mine did not bloom this year and I think it my fault

Canterbury, CT(Zone 6a)

I prunned them back last spring because they were a mess from the previous owner but this year no flowers, so now that it's fall what do I do so I can have flowers next year?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Assuming they're H. macrophylla's or H. serrata which bloom on old wood (this is what I suspect), you should leave them alone from now until they bloom, if you prune between now and then you will cut the flower buds off. If they're H. paniculata, H. arborescens, or a reblooming H. macrophylla cultivar such as 'Endless Summer', then there is something else going on because those bloom on new wood and so they should have bloomed even after pruning.

Canterbury, CT(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much. I think your right that they bloom on old wood. So my next question would be this. Do I prune them ever or just let them go and see what happens?
Thanks so much

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you're going to prune them, you should do it right after they bloom so that you don't cut off next year's buds by mistake. Although if your hydrangeas are psycho like mine and are still blooming in October, then a better approach might be to prune only the branches that had flowers on them this year, I don't think those branches would make flowers next year so it's safer to cut them.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

ecrane3 is so right. I cut flowers in bloom for arrangements inasmuch those stems won't have flowers on them the next year. If you chose not to do that this year, wait 'till next year, prune the stems that flowered & other dead looking stems. You should see new growth at the base of the plant. Those stems won't flower (being new growth). But the stems that didn't have floweres on them this year will next year. (the old growth)

About 3 years ago DH pruned a beautiful Nikko Blue to the ground. It was by the pond too. Since divorce was out of the question, I just revoked his pruning license for the year. BG

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

My Mariesii Variegata has never bloomed. It's supposedly hardy to zone six, but I think the buds keep getting killed off by freezes or something. This year I'm going to try mulching it with piled leaves to see if I can preserve the buds. It would be really nice to see a bloom. the foliage is lovely, although this spring I had to prune it down to the ground when I realized that the old growth had all died. :( It was hard to wait, looking at that ugly stuff until I was sure that no new shoots were going to form.

I'll try to remember to post how it does next year.


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