Question on my book

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I ordered a book from recently and received the book today. Across the top of the book, it says UNCORRECTED PROOF. The book is Planting Noah's Garden, Further Adventures in Backyard Ecology by Sara Stein. What does uncorrected proof mean? I feel a little ripped off. That was NOT in the description at all.



An uncorrected proof is a book that has already been set in type from the author’s manuscript but has not been approved for final production. Only a hundred copies or so are produced at this stage of production, sometimes more, sometimes less, and they represent an intermediate phase between what has been written and what is being prepared for general release. Proofs are circulated within publishing houses, and some are sent out to critics in the hope that sufficient lead time will encourage a timely notice. Usually they are bound in plain paper and distributed with a standard caveat stamped inside or on the cover that reads something like "These are uncorrected advance proofs bound for your reviewing convenience. In quoting from this book for reviews or any other purpose, it is essential that the final printed book be referred to, since the author may make changes on these proofs before the book goes to press."
Having received an uncorrected proof may not be all that bad. It was my understanding that uncorrected proofs were more desirable to collectors and additionally, S. Stein passed away a few years ago.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

This isn't bound in plain paper, it is what the final book looks like, but it says Uncorrected proof. I'm just afraid that the book had more added into it, making my book not what the book ultimately ended up being. Does that make sense? And yes, I knew Mrs. Stein passed away.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I leafed thru the book. Where there would be pictures in an actual book, are just faint drawings. There is one picture of a before and after, but you can't make it out to see the after. There are pages that have lists of plants, so the header says, but no plants listed. This is not what I wanted nor what was advertised by the seller. I have contacted them and if they do not get back to me, I'm contacting my credit card company to dispute the charges and I will contact and leave negative feedback for the seller. I'm pretty disgusted right about now. I was so excited to finally get this book. I've wanted it for over a year. I finally go ahead and order one in very good used condition only to discover that it's a very good condition Uncorrected Proof. I've got grandma in my head saying they should be ashamed of themselves.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

terryr ..

It may not be what was advertised to you, etc. and you feel cheated by the misrepresentation; and you have been, really.
However .. I'm backing Equils' suggestion to you, kiddo ..

Order another different hardbound copy of the book you desire, from elsewhere - but, KEEP THAT BOOK, & under lock & key.

Seems you may very well have snagged a lil something, that the folks that were selling it - simply had no idea about.

- Magpye

Peoria, IL

I would check the book out of the library and compare that to the book that you have. That you can find out what, if anything. is different from the final version.

I read Noah's Garden, haven't read Planting Noah's Garden.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I emailed them at com per their advise. I got an email response back this morning that it was a data entry persons mistake. They are refunding my account and they also said to keep or discard the book.

I know there's things different in the final book. Like lists of plants and pictures that are actually viewable. I do plan on looking at our library, if they even have it, and leafing thru it to see all the differences. I want to own the book, I don't want to just "borrow" it from the library. I've been to bookstores, thinking they'd have it or could order it for me. No such luck, so that's why I went with (plus the cheaper price).

joe, I have Noah's Garden, started it when I took my husband down (to Bloomington) in April for cataract surgery, but too many people, too much noise, then it got warm, so I'm going to start over.

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

Hi terryr,
Good, I would definately keep that book, as the other folks have stated above. This initial disappointment might turn into a good thing for you! Personally, I'd make some inquiries to booksellers on the internet to see what I could learn about the potential value.

Here's a link to a bookseller's site that explains a lot about uncorrected proofs, and why people collect them.

I hope it turns out well for you!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Am tickled for ya .. that the origin of the mistake was found & admitted to, and a refund is being issued.

The bonus of the 'botch', is you get to keep the book afterall ..

But, yep .. one can understand how the book you currently have - may serve no real aid to you, being incomplete, etc. ..

Here's a source market, you may want to consider, for finding the book .. ..

AbeBooks is home to over 13,500 professional booksellers from around the world.

* Jes in case the link above ^ doesn't function/open correctly: (compressed thru >

Another AbeBook company ..
* Again: jes in case the link above ^ doesn't function/open correctly: (compressed link, thru >

BookFinder .. has an excellent 'search' feature >

- Magpye

Terry, do you have Stein's "My Weeds"?

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I just went and ordered My Weeds, thanks Equil.

Sheri, I can see collecting Uncorrected Proofs if this was an old book. But I believe it was released in 1997, so not old by anybody's standard. I will keep it and check if the library has one. I'll also follow up to found out if this book is really worth anything (other than the steal of deal I thought I had gotten for only $28 plus s&h). Just frustrating to have wanted a book for so long, finally ordering it, only not to receive the book I had planned on getting and sitting, with the wind and the snow blowing outside, while I'm inside warm and toasty, all snuggled up in my chair with my silk afghan draped over me, reading and drinking a nice hot cup of hot cocoa..............

Las Cruces, NM(Zone 8a)

You're probably right about the current value of the proof. But then again, collectors often buy items just to add to the diversity of their collection, with the hopes that they will increase in value over time. You might just tuck it on a shelf for now and see what happens a few years down the road. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Oh, that mental picture of curling up on a cold night with a silk afghan and a good book has me looking for hot cocoa in my cupboards. (I'll have to settle for a dog-hair covered blanket and a boring cup of tea.)

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Thank you oldmudhouse. Ah, well you see, dog hair doesn't stick to the silk. So not only does it keep me warm, but the dog hair stays off! Next trip to the grocery store make sure you get some cocoa!

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