Cherry Tree in a Container

Buffalo, NY

Ok. So this is the motherload.
I love it when my husband takes interest in the garden, I really do.
He comes out and coos and squeals over the strawberries, blackberries, and Raspberries I have growing in pots.
His favorite fruit is the CHERRY.
I would like to grow a dwarf or semi dwarf cherry tree in a pot.
I've seen it done - the botanical gardens in Washington, DC had a cherry tree approx 8 feet tall in a pot no more than 2 feet wide.

Has anyone attempted anything like this? Any tips?

I'm currently growing two apple trees in large containers (15 gallon and a whiskey barrell) which are doing ok. I wish I had pruned them down closer to the ground when I got them so they would have leafed closer to the bottom.

And yes, it MUST be in a container. I live in the ghetto and we will be moving within a few years.

(Zone 1)

Hey heebie:

I will be curious to hear what everyone says about this too. I love container gardening, even though I have a pretty large yard and love to plant stuff in the ground too!
My Mom was born and raised in Washington D.C. and always talked about the Flowering Cherry Trees there. I have seen photo's that are just beautiful! I have always wanted to try a Flowering Cherry as a container plant, because I've been told they wouldn't survive in the ground in my zone. One of these days I will have to just buy one and try it!

I'm 1 month new to the DG website and really enjoying and learning! There are some very knowlegeable plant people out there, and I'm sure someone will answer your question soon!

"Happy Gardening"!


Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Are you wanting to keep it in the container, outside all year? It gets pretty cold in Buffalo. I'm not so sure a small cherry, in a container, would be able to withstand that cold without some serious mulching. We have a lot of trees in containers at work, but most of the smaller ones are now bunched together and mulched heavy with straw. If you've got the space to mulch it with straw (or some other insulating material), to protect what is essentially a semi-exposed rootball, I'm pretty sure it will work.

Monroe, WI(Zone 4b)

heebie, are you wanting to pot-plant a pie cherry tree? I'm hoping that is your question, as I would LOVE to have a cherry tree. I have a greenhouse, and could keep it in there over the winter. Or, do cherry trees need a cold/dormant period to set fruit?

DFW area, TX(Zone 7b)

Stark Brothers Nurseries gives this answer:

They have an excellent reputation for fruit trees, and
sell a miniature cherry tree, which might be what
you need. Good luck.

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