Gater snakes

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi everybody! I've been reading about different people having garter snakes around their land, and I'm feeling a little left out. It looks like everybody has them but me. What does everybody do to get these snakes to come visit them? Please give me all your tips and tricks so I can enjoy them too!



They like water. Maybe you could consider a little decorative water feature of some sort?

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Ooooh, cool link Equil! When ya coming down to help me build my little water feature?? My 9 yr old nephew would love it if I did that. He wants me to have frogs too.

If you are going to go for frogs you'll need some depth. Sounds like a good winter project for you to plan out. I'm no good at installing preforms, I have them set by people who know what they are doing and I sort of just pick the spot. Sorry, you're on your own but I'll be there in spirit with you.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Well fine. Cody will help me I'm sure. Did I mention he helped to create a little butterfly drinking station? Rocks we got from AR were used to make it. Deeper than it needed to be, but hey, it was Cody's idea.

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