* FYI: new launch from CNET: cnet TV *

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

A wonderful addition provided by CNET .. cnet TV !!

A little bit of everything - for everyone! Quite a variety of tips, how to's, reviews, tech news, gadgets, ratings, recommendations, etc.

Chocker-block full of pages and pages of excellent aids, information, instructions and guides in the cnetTV VIDEO library.

Easy to access and a virtual breeze in the ease of functionality.

What I feel is a significant bonus - is the easy Search feature! One can find any videos that may be relevant to a particular interest or inquiry you may have .. that are available on cnetTV. Search by date (month) and/or subject!!

Yep. There are definitely some ads that will show up between the segments - but they are blessedly short & sweet!

You can easily switch to another date with different subjects, by taking a look at the page list that's in easy view, off to the right. Functions smoothly and quickly ..

One isn't required to register (sign up), to view any of the videos! However, if you desire to participate in the rating of any videos - you will have to register and log-in to do so. Feedback is invited & requested, but you're free to do so .. withOUT registration.

Check out all the great lil diddies that are offered ..

Here > http://www.cnettv.com/?tag=vidlib

- Magpye

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