white encrustation

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)


I have rooted cuttings of a chilli plant the parent of which is completely desease free. However, within days of taking the cuttings they became covered (on the underside of the leaf) with a yeast-like crust. This did not prevent them from rooting and they are otherwise unaffected. The crust seems to be under the "skin" of the leaf and will not rub away without damaging the surface. What could this posssibly be? I have never encountered anything like it. They developed this coating inside a propagater amongst cuttings of Nepeta cataria and some scented pelargonium.

Would really appreciate any ideas.

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

A thought has occurred to me that it could be a nematode infestation...I don't know where I got that idea from but it is from the dim and distant past and I don't even know if nematodes do infest the leaves. anyone know????

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Any chance you could post a picture? I feel bad that nobody's had any ideas for you yet but a picture could really help.

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Yes I know it would help a lot but the zoom button on my camera has broken and I can't get in close enough to show a darned thing!

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