Georgia tree help

Woodstock, GA(Zone 7b)

Does anyone have a favorite tree suggestion that i can use in place of a crape myrtle? I guess it should love full sun, grow fast and flower well. Also, I am looking for suggestions for great georgia landscape trees. I am looking for winter interest trees (possibly with berries or peeling bark), a lime or light green colored conical tree/shrub to surround my ac units, and something that is pink, weeping, but flowers longer than a weeping redbud. I really like weeping trees. Any suggestions would be really appreciated!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Sargent's crabapple tree is a nice flowers and provides berries in the winter. Your local county extension office usually has brochures that will provide pictures and suggestions for trees, shrubs, etc.

Thumbnail by bugme
Byron, GA

Oh! Plant a chinese fringetree if you can locate one. Very drought hardy but slow growing. What it lacks in size it makes up in blooms. Mine is covered with white, fringy blooms in the spring. Grows to about 15 feet. There is a taller variety referred to as a "Grancy Graybeard" (sp?).


Digs, do you grow Grancy or "chinese fringe tree" in full or part sun?
I am thinking of planting one, and I wanted to know. I'd like to grow it as a street tree.


Byron, GA

Full sun. It doesn't grow tall and may be too wide for your use, if you plan to use it in the space between the sidewalk and the street. I think the American variety is taller but still is pretty bushy. I hope you can find a place for one. It's quite a traffic stopper when it is blooming and you will have something unique. Mine is about 15 years old and has a wonderful gnarled form. It does drop its leaves in the fall. It is my favorite spring flowering tree and I have 3 large cherry trees, also, that put on quite a show. It is one of the GA Gold Medal Winners.


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

You might check out the shrub and tree sale at the Dunwoody Nature Center -

I have bought from them and am buying more this year - especially the native azalea!

Macon, GA(Zone 8a)

Nothing's better in full sun than a palm tree. Trachycarpus fortunei will grow in Woodstock. In fact it's grown all over the Atlanta area. You can find them at local box stores (Home Depot, Lowes). They may even be on sale this time of the year, but you should probably wait until spring to plant them.

Here's a picture of the T. fortunei I planted in my yard earlier this year.

Thumbnail by Alan_Taylor

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