Dryopteris erythrosora - too late to plant in Z6b?

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

I just bought some of these Autumn ferns for a very shady area. Is it too late to plant them? Should I do anything special to help them make it through their first winter? Thank you.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

notgrnjean, I've been busy planting a large area with Ferns and still have a few more to get in the ground. First time I've planted this late in the year, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Only advice I can give you is to make sure they are mulched (I'm using leaves) to protect them from heaving over the winter. Your Zone is a little warmer than mine, so you shouldn't have any problem. Good luck and let me know how they fared come next spring!


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

You should have no problem planting them now...it is a great fern. Cover with some leaf mold.

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

I did plant them October 29. They are still looking very good. I think I have them in a perfect place - a low bowl area surrounded by large trees, decades of undisturbed (well, once the vinca and ivy was removed) rich, humousy, moldy leafed earth.

I've alwayss envisoned ferns in this area. It looks like where nature would have grown them if I were walking in the woods. Any suggestions for other summer deep shade ferns? I hope these really stay evergreen because it's so nice to see that color in the midst of dark earth and rotting leaves. (I like dark earth and rotting leaves but some color is good.)


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Christmas ferns are pretty much evergreen...polypody...maidenhair....would also be good. Not a fern but Rohdea japonica is evergreen and would do well there.

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