I want to show off too = ) Look at my Fountain grass

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

I love this grass.
I planted it and did nothing else.
I planted this plant as a little baby in early spring and its now 6 ft plus

Thumbnail by GuardanGirl
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


It looks great. The purple fountain grasses are excellent to adapt to most growing areas.

I got a whole mess of them from the motherlode at Jeremy/Jax house. I planted them out here in my sand and every one looks great. All they wanted was to be out of a pot and into the ground.

Now, If you really want to make a big statement, put a birdbath by the grass. It will seem as if the little wheat blooms are reaching into the water for a drink and they will grow bigger and better than ever. Matter of fact, put 2 more in to make a semi-circle around the birdbath. That allows you entry up the middle to add more water.


Beaumont, TX

Oh ! It's lovely GG ! Look at all your plumes!

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow lucky you Molly...... I've been trying to get my hands on more. I went to homedepot and walmart to get some and they want 10 bucks for a little tiny pot. I'm trying to wait to see if they lower the price. I bought that one for only $1. oo from Walart in the spring. I had no idea it would grow this big. I just luv it. It grew from just alittle tiny pot. I have plans to move it. Just dont know where.

Thanks Maidentheshade. Will be transplanting soon, and I'm trying to think of what I could do with those beautiful plumes. I bought a beautiful vase from a garage sale last week maybe I'll bring them inside as a center piece for the table.
I'll keep you updated. ; )

Thornton, IL

GG-Well worth the price, I put one in the center of a pot again this year, it still got huge and stole the show! I've heard if you want to keep the dried plumes, you should spray them w/hairspray, but I've yet to try it.

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Ok, I might try that.

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