Strange question about mushrooms

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Would a dog know which mushrooms are safe to eat? One of my dogs loves brown mushrooms that come out this time of year, he's not dead so apparently their safe to eat. Durning the summer there is a certain big white kind of mushroom he likes. Just wondering if he's lucky or do dogs know the difference? My back yard probably grows 10 different kinds of mushrooms. Maybe more.

Cordele, GA

I don't know if they can tell or not. I would be leary of them for myself, but I do know that box turtles and gopher tortoises eat them. Also that dogs can be used to hunt truffles just like pigs do in certain parts of Europe. Let's hope that your pup remains discriminating and/or lucky.


Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

My dog ate some once and went into seizures. Most dogs avoid them, but the curious ones seem to mess with them more. I do find chunks missing on some still.LOL
We had a dog that would not even eat the mushrooms on a pizza! I guess it is a matter of taste.
I always pick the mushrooms out of the yard and disgard them when I pick up the doggie pooh.We get quite a few of them and I just don't want to go through another episode of seizures. Other than that, he was fine.
Some of them are downright nasty looking and send up "smoke" when I mow over them by mistake. LOL

Thomson, GA

Many years ago,I had some humane society reject foster dogs (dogs that could not be adopted out because of their breed or behavior) that dug out of our fenced 2 acre yard to eat psylicyben mushrooms in the cattle ranch next to us. Even cattle (electric) fencing did not keep them in. Strange thing is, the two wolf hybrids and one feral chow mix were the only ones that would not touch the mushrooms. I guess they were smarter than the others.The others were Rotties, Pit Bulls, beagles and terriers and they loved to get high. The terriers and beagles got so messed up they attacked and killed calves every chance they got. Everyone wanted to blame it on the wolves but we caught the others red handed. The Rottie got out and tried to attack a dump truck while high. Another very small terrier mix evidently overdosed and died after eating the mushrooms. It was heartbreaking. We tried all kinds of fencing and finally had to build separate runs w/concrete pads that they could not dig out of. Thankfully, when the owner of the pastureland passed away, the land was sold to a developer and there were no more cow patties for the mushrooms to grow out of!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

No cattle in my yard so I doubt magic mushrooms are growing. I checked the mushrooms he was eating and they don't stain blue which I believe is a sure sign of the psylicyben mushrooms.

FYI for those who move here from some place else. Magic mushrooms are natives around here, cows, heat and humidity bam mushrooms all over the place.

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