Ping Farmerdill...Purple Tomato?

Dayton, WA

My next door neighbor visited me in my garden this morning with news that a completely purple tomato has been developed. He thought it was somewhere in Oregon. Could it be that Dr. James Baggett of Oregon State University has created another tomato jewel? What information do you have on this?


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Nope, not Baggett, but it has been overseen by Jim Myers. (I betcha Baggett sure knows what's going on with it though! How could he not be interested!)

Over in Tomatoes Forum someone brought this "purple" one up either last week or earlier this week. And yes, it seems much different than the tomatoes with 'purple' in their name (Purple Calabash, Cherokee Purple).

Here is a quick newslink/blurb:


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a) Another link I ran across. Have no interest myself, but hope it tastes better than "Garden Huckleberry" ( the current blue tomato).

Dayton, WA

Thanks Shoe, and Farmerdill for your respective replies. The restaurants I sell to like anything unusual or unique and this genuine purple tomato should fit right in. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait another 2 years before it will become available to us.


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

I came up with one at Iowa RU but lo The tomato worms got to it. striped all the leaves, while we were gon for a week. I found and got rid of 5 worms. The plant did produce new leaves and it did bloom, and got a tiny tomato but too late and the frost got it. The leaves are slighty different. I was upset that it suffered such a setback. I think I will have to try again if I can remember who brought to the reunion.

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