Look at these hummers

These are not my photos. They came to me in a forwarded e-mail with these comments-

This is something few people have never seen before, or ever even heard of.
This lady lives in a Hummingbird fly zone. As they migrated, about 20 of them were in her yard. Just for a lark, she took the little red dish and filled it with sugar water and this is the result.

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

second photo-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Third photo-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium


Thumbnail by Equilibrium


Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Oops- last two are the same. Guess there were only 4 photos.

Amazing. I can't even get them to visit my feeders and this gal has them eating out of her hand.

Marlton, NJ

These images have really been making the rounds. The couple that took these photos on 9/14 live in Alabama. I've seen a lot of hummer photos where 1 is sitting on a persons hand sipping from a cap or bottom of feeder their holding but never this many at one time.
I had approximately 50 hummers this summer but never stayed outside for long periods of time so they could get used to me. I did have one hover in front of my face for a few seconds while I was changing a feeder but I think it was my orange shirt that made her curious.
Thanks for posting these Eq.

This message was edited Oct 27, 2006 8:29 AM

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Some amazing photos you've shared, Equil ..

- Magpye

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I love those photos!

I'm still a little bummed about not having any at my feeders. I'm planting all the appropriate plants so I suppose I just have to wait it out. I'd be happy if a few just came a visited some of my feeders next year. I know they are out and about. Now that the leaves have started dropping, I can see their tiny nests in trees. There's no mistaking a hummingbird nest.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I used to do almost the same thing only I held the birdfeeder in my hard, they will come and even sit on your hand, but it does take patience. First you must have the birds drinking from the feeder for a couple of weeks. Take all feeders down in the area. Hold the feeder out from you ( this is hard because your hand gets tired and you must be still) it usually takes about 15 minutes before they will give up. Once one of them does it the rest will too. I would get pics but I just took down my feeders cuz the bees were swarming all over it and I am afraid of bees but you can try it yourself. Sorry but you have to have birds coming to the feeder first, I guess that's the hard part.

I am planting and offering feeders so sooner or later one or two will find their way to my feeders. Really sort of neat to learn that there is somebody else out there who has had them feeding out of their hands. I was amazed when that e-mail was sent to me. I just sat there in front of the monitor spellbound.

I found photos of a kid online who has them landing on his finger-

I did find a different style of feeder that I may or may not buy-

This was an interesting concept for a feeder-

Interesting mobile here-

Other attractive feeders here-

Nice little sites here-

I suppose I can always dream of having them visit me.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I put out bowls of sugar water in feb for the orioles, I once had a hummingbird fall in it and got stuck. Had to take the poor thing out and give it bath so he could fly.! In the spring I go thru a 5lb bag of sugar in a week, at least. I make my sugar water like syrup.They must like it because I have to put out at least three feeders. Try making your sugar water very thick to start, maybe that will help.

In the spring I go thru a 5lb bag of sugar in a week, at least.
I hope I have that problem some day. I like the sound of hummers.

I can try a new ratio of say 1:3 as opposed to the 1:4 that I was using.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Like I said mine is very thick. Only add as much water necessary to dissolve the sugar. I have hummingbirds all year long but in the spring I get so many I can't count. My neighbors also have feeders but I always get the most so I do believe in using as little water as possible.Now I just need to figure out how to keep the bees away from it.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Sorry, I don't have the link because I can't seem to locate it now.......but the gist of the conversation was doing a 1:1 ratio in early spring and at migration time.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I have only held a hummingbird once. It got stuck in a spiderweb and was trying desperately to get out. I managed to pull it out before the giant spider got to it. It sat in my hand while it pulled the webs from its feet, then all of a sudden it took off nearly hitting me in the face. That little bugger scared me!LOL

Lucky hummer to have ended up stuck in one of your spider webs.

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