Fortex Beans

Waterbury, CT

I grew Fortex Beans this year as it was recommended in the Gardening Forum last winter. The beans were a great success and I will grow them again next year. My question is, will Fortex Beans be true to seed. I have no other bean it could cross pollinate with and I don't believe they are hybrids. Has anyone saved the seed from them and tried? If I can harvest my own seed from them, is there a recommended way?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Fortex is Open Pollinated (OP) so the seeds will grow true.

What I do to save bean seeds is let the pods turn yellow and wrinkly on the vine and then pull the beans and let dry till you can shell them out....let dry for a couple more weeks and store in breathable container. Bean seeds hold quite a bit of moisture so making sure they don't mold is the biggest concern. When you can smash one with a hammer and it shatters rather than smushes, they are dry enough to store.

Good luck.

Waterbury, CT

Thank you, I'm letting the pods dry on the shelf now.

Benton, KS(Zone 6a)

I've heard of Fordhook beans but not Fortex. What kind are the Fortex?

Waterbury, CT

They are a long pole bean. They easily grew 8 to 12" long and tasted great. I had no problems with pests either. Last winter a thread was going on voting on your favorite vegetables. These were one of the beans listed so I gave them a try. I purchased my seeds from Johnny's Selected Seeds. Here's the link for a more detailed information and picture. I highly recommed them.

Benton, KS(Zone 6a) they're a sort of green bean then. The Fordhooks are a type of lima but cooked with bacon they're excellent! hahaha

Thx for the link...

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