Paul's Himalayan Musk Rose in Zone 4?

(Zone 4b)

I live in zone 4, and am curious to know if anyone here has had any success growing Paul's Himalayan Musk rose in the same zone. I've seen conflicting information about what zone it does well in, but I've fallen right in love with the plant, and have a spot in my garden for it.

Any information would be appreciated, thanks! :)

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

woods ~ Try this link, it says here to a zone 4 but I have never tried growing them my self. Hope someone out there can help you.

(Zone 4b)

Thank you for the link, I appreciate that. :)

Now I'm hoping to hear from someone who has experience growing it in zone 4. I'm curious to know if it dies back in the winter (I'm assuming so), and if there are special precautions I need to take when preparing it for the cold, aside from my usual routine of covering it with dry leaves. I'm really hoping to hear that it's hardy enough to withstand the winters here without my having to take it down off the pergola in order to cover it each fall.

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