do I?

Trenton, GA

I have a mandevilla vine and the nights are getting in the 30's here in the north Ga mtns. I heard that I could dig it up and put it in a bag and overwinter it under my this true?

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

Leenabug I have my Mandavilla in a pot. I will overwinter mine in a storeroom. It will go dormant through winter but when I bring it out in spring it will quickly put on leaves and begin to come alive again.
I'm not familiar with the bag method.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine is staying in the ground. Hope it survives. I've heard that people from my area do leave their's in the ground with heavy mulch. As for north Ga, well that's another part of the country as for mandevilla vines go. Have you googled "overwintering mandevilla vines"? Lots of information out there on several techniques. I did read one reference that mentions placing the plant in a plastic bag and putting it in a garage. Have no supporting evidence that this is the way to go. here's one link that discusses overwintering mandevilla:

Hope you are able to keep yours. I've tried unsuccessfully to take cuttings from mine. If anyone has rooted cuttings, please d-mail me.


Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Deborah, Did your Mandavilla vine make it through last winter? This is my first year with them and I was going to cut them at 12 inches and put them in the garage. They are growing in the ground outside.


Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I placed mine (in a very large pot) on its side under the deck last winter. A heavy duty tarp was placed over this (along with lots of other large pots - ferns, ponytail palm, Ti plants, rubber tree, and weeping figs to name a few). The tropical hibiscus in the same pot as the mandevilla did not make it but the variegated shell ginger and mandevilla came out just fine.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Good to know! I have 3. I will dig 2 up and put in garage and leave one out with heavy mulch and see what happens.

Should I knock much of the soil off the roots and leave or cover them in soil in the pot for garage?

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine stayed in the ground and did just fine over the winter last year year. Hopefully it will survive again this year.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Yea!! maybe it will survive.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Really? I was told those would not over winter where I am. I really like Mandavilla but they seem to be expensive for a plant I thought would die off after one season. I'm in 9a so if yours are living through the winter I should have no problem.

Guess what's showing up in my yard next yard?

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

They were on sale for $1 when I bought them from Pikes and they were half dead. They came back nice and were beautiful for a long time. Home Depot had smaller ones for $3 but they grow pretty fast.
I would give them a try by you. Good luck.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Good to know and gee wiz.. Chris.. $1 at your Pikes?? My Pikes has marked down perennials for sale for crazy things like $12 during a drought...!! Not for me :)

I promised my husband that never again would we be out starting our cars in the cold during winter so that my plants wouldn' if it can't make it outside, it doesn't make it at all!



Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Susan, I bought these the end of May. They looked so bad in pikes, they were marked 50%(orig.$25)off but when I started asking the manager questions, he said that they looked so bad because Pikes rules doesnt let them keep them outside. They have to be right next to the indoor and tropicals, so they get almost no light. He agreed that they were about to hit the garbage so instead of writing them off they could get $1. I bought 4 Mandavilla and 4 Passion flower. All were $1 each. I was so excited.
They said it is an annual here and because I am so cheap I wanted to save them for next year cause I would never pay their original price or even the 50% off for them.

I dont usually bring things in. I feel like you do, only the strong survive. I will bring 2 of the inground mandavilla in and also the 2 potted Plumeria ( also a markdown, I couldnt resist) and thats it. Oh, and the first time caladium bulbs that I still hope to pop out of the ground. Time will tell if I actually go do that. :)


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Chris, are you leaving your Caladium bulbs in the ground? I am just to see if by chance they come back next year. I'm so lazy.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

LOL, I was actually leaving them there to die. I know they wont make it. They are way on the bottom of the list of things to do, so if I get to them fine if not, oh well. There is a slight chance that I get them dug.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

ohhhhhhhhh see now Chris that explains it!! I do that kinda thing at Lowes when taking things off the clearance rack..negociate..and they usually do.. I know which Lowes stores are better than others anyway!! :)

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

I so love the game of bargaining. The cheaper I can get the price, the bigger I feel I have "won". LOL, and I win alot! If hubby is with me, he usually makes a B-line for the truck as fast as possible. If he does stay with me, he will say things like...oh, just give them the $10 or something like that, and blow my whole deal.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

This year the lowes near me seemed to get thier ordering right. No really good deals this year a couple of half dead plants for a buck or two but I really haven't had a good score this year. LOL.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

I sooooo dont know what I am doing!

The Mandavilla has those tuber things.
When I dug it up, you can see on the left the ones still attached to plant. On the right are all the extras that didnt come out with the plant.
Can I do anything with the loose tubers? Plant them? Dry them? Throw them out?

Thumbnail by chris_lcf530
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

My hubby use to get embarrassed to have me haggle.. Bu then he started sticking me on the Christmas Tree sales guy as we like to buy the day after Thanksgiving..and then he started to learn how to do it himself!! We've learned from each other! I had no idea it had tubers! Wow..maybe you'll have much more next year!


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