Cloning entire one entire journal?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Can I do a mass cloning of one entire journal into a newly created journal ? I want to keep my original journal as created by type of plant and subcategory by source, but I would also like to keep a separate journal of my garden by bed names. I would like to avoid having to clone item by item the thousand plus entries I have already created. I realize I would have to disburse the cloned items into the pertinent categories, but that would be easy as I could use the sort feature and then use the mass change category to make this very simple, ( if I can do a mass cloning). For all subsequent entries I would do the individual clones when doing the initial entry so this is a one time need to mass clone my journal. Thanks. Patti

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately you can't do this (unless Dave has done something new since I and one or two other people were trying to do this maybe 6 months ago). You can MOVE the entire contents of one journal to another, but if you want to duplicate a journal you need to go through the painful steps of cloning each entry, then moving the clones into the new journal.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

ecrane3. I was hoping for a quicker solution. But thanks for the information. I'll start the cloning dance after I get my bulbs in the ground and the garden to bed, but before seed planting. I will post this as a request in the Journal wish list. I also would like to be able to print out the Journal in various ways, but it seems to default to common name when ever I try to print, which is almost useless. Perhaps I am missing something. Patti

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've never used the printing function, but I remember someone else complaining about how it sorts them too, so I don't think you're missing anything!

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