
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

So here's the thing: My husband works at a manufacturing plant. A guy at work gave him a bag of vermiculite (about 4 quarts?). It's very course- doesn't look like the horticultural stuff. I suspect the plant received something shipped in it.

I have a fairly new bed (raised on one end, level with lawn on the other) contained by free stack rocks. They are big river-rock type things. The part of the bed that's level with the lawn doesn't drain at all. Sticky clay. The raised end (about 15 inches) won't hold water. When new it was filled with a truck load of what was SUPPOSED to be 1/2 topsoil, 1/2 compost. I have tried adding small amounts of compost (I don't produce much), grass clippings, and dry mulched leaves with no improvement yet. Should I add the vermiculite to the part that doesn't hold water? If so, how far down does it need to be mixed in? It's about 4 quarts, so how large or small an area will it treat? I will be doing the mixing with a pitchfork.

Also, there is a dwarf red lace-leaf maple in the center of this area. Will the vermiculite have any negative effect?

I know, I'm always full of questions!

Would appreciate any input...


Thornton, IL

The vermiculite will drain better than clay soil, but it will have no lasting effect overall. You still need to add lots of organic matter.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I would toss out the stuff and make sure you are wearing a respirator cause some industrial vermiculite is asbestos. I would never use any vermiculite that I did not know the source of and never from an industrial source. I have finished a book called the "Fatal Deception" which is a story of Montanas Libby Mine. I goes into much detail of varied vermiculite and the health problems associated. Not to scare you but I quit using vermiculite years ago. Kind of scary stuff.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks for all the input.

I read that the asbestos mine was closed in 1990. Not true?

And I received this from a reputable company which makes chemicals. They have very sharp chemists, recruited by my husband from exceptional schools and backgrounds. I don't think they would deal with it (i.e. use vendors who use it) if it was dangerous stuff. So I'm pretty confident there.


West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I went to some "exceptional" schools, too, but you don't need an education to know that some reputable chemical companies are capable of making big mistakes. That's why we have 'Superfund'.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Do you know that Asbestos is now being used in many products in our world right now. The asbestos that was so visibly eliminated in the late 80's is now used everywhere. Just ask you senator from Washington. Asbestos is in our paint, insulation (just look at the world trade center when it collapsed) many NYers are soon to start showing asbestos lung. No the libby mine is closed but not the other 10 that mine a similar ore that is also high (trace) in asbestos. After all even the smallest amount is highly serious to the health of anyone. Just ask those who are still developing Asb. Lung in Libby today. There are 3 types of vermiculite compound and only one is assumed to be safe. Chemists are still developing uses for these chemicals.

Sultan, WA(Zone 8a)

Hold on a sec. Some vermiculite is not asbestos. Vermiculte is a harmless mineral that resembles mica. It takes on is charactaristic form in furnaces that cause small pieces of the mineral to "exfoliate" or expand. The pervasive existence of asbestos at the Libby vermiculite mine is geologically unique compared with other vermiculite deposits in America. Because of the EPA's and other groups strict standards on the way it is mined now, mines are very careful to prevent contamination and the EPA still approves TODAY's vermiculite.

kqcrna, are you sure you don't have perlite? It could also be unexpanded vermiculte, and if it is, it might not do you much good from horticultural standpoint.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

The EPA was pressured by the White House not to tell homeowners about the dangers of asbestos in vermiculite insulation, and didn't do so until they were embarrassed into it by the media in 2003. That's thirteen years after Libby was closed. Until the EPA is not hogtied by political interests, I'm not going to bet my life on their protection any more than I can help it.

Sultan, WA(Zone 8a)

That is a good point! I do not doubt the EPA isn't influenced by outside sources that don't have our best interests at heart. But that same can be said of the inflamitory nature of the 6 o'clock news and authors that are trying to sell books. And I agree, I don't place to much hope or faith in our government as it stands either. But everything you read and hear must be taken with a grain of salt. And everyone has to weigh the risks for themselves after they have seen the whole picture. I'm just trying to point out a differnt part of it. It may be that kqcrna, is in more danger driving her car to the grocery store than in using that vermiculite (or perlite, whatever) in her garden. Like soferdig said in another thread, "Come on life is long if you garden and short if you die. Don't confuse the details between."

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Again, thanks to everyone for your input. I really didn't mean to cause controversy here.


Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Yes asbestos is still being used and you can read the last chapter in Fatal Deception to see where. It is unmatchable in its ability to make Dupont achieve what they want. I have read that there are 3 types of vermiculite. 2 are dangerous and 1 so far isn't. I prefer perlite to vermiculite due to the possible risks. I agree with my statement but some things I choose not to worry about by not using them. I live near the libby mine and nobody can move out cause no one wants their homes. Even after the long federal clean up. The first place the libby mine was discovered was Scotts garden supplies in Ohio. How many of us used the lovely stuff. I am personally involved with vermiculite due to the tragedy of Libby. One of my tender spots.

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