Tree peony care

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hi peony lovers ~ hope you all can help me with a question.

I'm moving to a new home and, amongst many other things, there is a tree peony. I realize it's a woody plant so it won't die back like regular peonies, but is there anything I should be doing to care for it?

Appreciate any help ~


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Moby-

They are pretty easy to grow. I prune in Nov/Dec to eliminate dead wood or if prune to decrease the size if you want it more compact. It's easy to see what parts need to be removed.
I also mulch 4"-5" in the winter and keep in a location that is more protected, while still getting the part sun to full sun conditions. I take off the mulch in April.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hi Mags ~ thanks.

Didn't get a pic of the whole plant, but I'd say it's about 3 ft. tall. A fair amount of foliage at the base and a couple of 'trunks' with foliage at the top. I'd guess it probably needs some pruning but I'll let it go and see what happens next Spring. The elderly gentleman that lived in this home passed away and not much care has been given to the gardens lately, but I'd bet it was something to see a few years back. And it will be again with a little TLC ~ :D

Thumbnail by Moby
Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Are you moving all of your lilies? I think of moving every once in a while and I am overwhelmed at what I would take with me. How neat that you are getting a place that was of an elderly beloved gardener. I know you'll give the gardens the TLC they need to become as beautiful, if not more, that a few years back.
By Spring you will have no problem seeing what is dead on the plant, all the live stuff gets foliage and the rest gets chop-chopped.
Did he label what kind it was? Just curious.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Not that I could see but everything is overgrown. You bet I'm taking all of my lilies ~ and the rest of my 300+ plants. Don't think I'll take everything but it will still be a lot.

I was SO excited to see all of the garden beds, but I can't use them because they're full of roses, irises, peonies, liliacs, spirea, forsythia, a few lilies.... and who knows what might be lurking in there. I'd be shocked if he didn't have a bunch of tulips, daffs and such.
Wouldn't dream of digging in to it before I see it through a full growing season.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Oh ~ and there's a Magnolia tree too!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh my! That sounds like a treasure and someone who was a very active gardener. Doesn't every gardener wish for someone of their likeness to take care of their beautiful gardens after they are gone?
Moving all of those lilies will be quite the job, Moby. But , like you, I would do the same.
Spring will be so very exciting for you next season. You'll have to post your surprises. Look forward to seeing them...

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh! My! Magnolia!!! I just love Magnolias (as if this wasn't the most obvious thing you've ever been told)! Do you know what kind it is? I have Ann, Jane,Soulangiana,Elizabeth,Woodsman,White Rose,and Butterflies. They are truly a wonder to behold in Spring. Now you MUST show me spring pix :0) Oh Moby, I'm so excited for you. Did you have a Magnolia at your other place?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Nope, but I've always wanted one. I was pretty sure you'd be excited too. LOL I'll try to get a pic ~

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Don't know if this is of any help ~ the guy said it had huge purple / pink / white blooms. I'd guess the tree is about 30 ft.

Thumbnail by Moby
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

A close-up of the leaves and buds.

Thumbnail by Moby
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Moby, how far are you moving? Are you digging things now, or in the spring? It's cold out there girl!


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I know ~ yikes! Moving a whole 2.5 blocks. It's great because we love the neighborhood.

I'm digging spring bulbs only right now. The family is having an auction on Thursday and we can start moving some things after that. Garden first ~ before that I need to have someone come till because I'm sure not doing it by hand! We'll close around the middle of November. It will be kosher because it's a private sale between us and folks we know. No realtor fees!

The garden will get moved in chunks ~ dug, placed in plastic grocery bags and straight over to the new place. Sounds easy, right? LOL I'm trying to keep that attitude!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh yeah, that will be a snap. :) Ya say you're buying stock in Advil? :) Actually, I'm a bit concerned over here, I've got all those lily bulbs in the fridge waiting to go into the ground and I'm afraid we'll end up with a couple feet of snow and I won't get them planted....


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Snow? pish! As long as the ground isn't frozen, it's still planting season. Last year I finished my lily bulbs the day after Christmas.

Honey, I already own stock in Advil!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Yeah, I'm a softy. I don't do cold very well.. I turn blue easily.... So, I'm hoping for a few more weekends in the 60s before I have to give up and pot them up and put them in the garage for the winter..


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

It could be Soulangiana, but I'm not sure. Soulangiana has tulip like blooms, in pink. I think very distinct, but the one I have looks more shrub-ish. The ones I have were all planted by me and are a favorite of the deer around here. Jane, Ann & Elizabeth bloom, but Soulangiana gets munched on too much. She should be blooming size by now....
The tree, whatever Magnolia type, looks healthy and lush from your pictures. I'm so excited for you, Moby! Your very own Magnolia Tree!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Yea ~ and today I found a seedling of my Mock Orange to take with me too.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Moby, wish I was closer and healthier -- I'd love to help you dig and move! Keep that Advil close. :)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

LOL Thanks Laura ~ I know you'll be here in spirit!

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Mock Oranges are so nice and fragrant, another Spring delight. Doesn't the potential make you more excited about doing the work? It would me. Bring that Advil on.....

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm never moving if I can help it. Or if I do, it will be somewhere where I don't have any gardens or lawn to care for. Oh wait, isn't that called Forrest Lawn, or something like that? :)--

Seriously, I do not envy you moving everything to a new spot, but just the same I can understand not wanting to leave your babies behind.


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

I hate moving. When I moved here I moved 100 iris from my old house that we rented before buying our own place. Now we have a small house, big yard & it would have to be some deal to get me to move all of this I have here. Though it sounds like Moby has the ideal situation, a short distance and a long time to do it. Don't forget the sofa! :0)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Sofa?? Dave thinks I should be packing... fat chance, I have a garden to worry about! Too busy digging up stuff and planning where to put it.

Yep, you've hit the nail on the head. I've rented here for 11 years and, not wanting to tear up the yard too much, have gardened in a very boring manner (to me). Borders all around the house and all along the fence. Dave also suggested that I plant like I have it now. Ha! I said I envisioned island beds with meandering paths and he gave me a steamy glare! LOL

Not to worry, with a double lot he'll still have plenty of lawn to play in and mow. Not to mention the ample amount of TLC and updating that will be keeping us (him) busy. It's OK, he can go soak his worries away in the hottub that comes with the house. (don't be overly impressed ~ we got it waaaayy below market value)

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Moby, you crack me up. We rented for 10 years before buying.
Tell dave that some of the fun of moving into YOUR OWN house is doing everything to the yard you always dreamed of...fancy beds, different arrangements etc.
I'm happy for ya , Moby. You're gonna have a ton of fun doing the new gardens. I have the same "vision" here and I get the same glare. LOL!
All that until some family member (like his mother) comes over and says what magic your wife has worked on the yard. Then , he smiles and says I can do whatever...........
So Dave's moving the sofa.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That's about the way I see it!

Here's a view of the yard from the back of the house ~

Thumbnail by Moby
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

And from the opposite corner ~ going to be a bit more walking than I'm used to!

Thumbnail by Moby
Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Moby-It looks like a very nice space, & still in your old neighborhood to boot. Now that is cool. You'll have fun.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Moby,

Great yard!!! Good luck in your plantings and I hope you find lots of new surprises. We're in the process of buying a new house too with lots more land and trees. Why was I just thinking you got a new house a year or two ago?

Regarding the tee peony, I would just trim the leaves off, leaving a little of each leaf stem, but don't trim any woody parts. Yours looks nice and as if it has been there awhile, so I am sure it will produce a great show! My tree peonies bloom a little before the herbaceous ones.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2006 8:44 PM

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hi Steve ~ thanks for the tip!

Found another rose today and some kind of funky plant. I don't think it's a weed (?) but have no idea what it is.

Thumbnail by Moby
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

It looks like a shasta daisy to me... but right about now, everything looks like either a shasta daisy or a poppy to me. ;)

Great house pictures Moby! more please!


Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

I agree, bet it's a shasta. They can be very invasive so whatchit! :)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Looks different from mine but then the little old guy has lots of interesting things planted.

OK, here's a pic of the house. (not mine, I swiped it off the net) I've been trying to do a panorama but it turns out horrible. Guess I'll have to get better pics.

Knocking on wood as I post this.......

Thumbnail by Moby
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

It's literally in the middle of the block so there is a gravel road off the street to get to it.

Thumbnail by Moby
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Great house Moby!!! :) I'm very happy for you! Just think of all the room you'll have for lilies and peonies and iris and looks like we could addict you to hosta too. :) You are going to have so much fun!! Congratulations!


Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Very nice house , Moby! You are gonna love it!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Thanks for sharing the joy!

My only true addiction is lilies though I have plenty of the other plants too. The hosta addiction will have to wait ~ I have almost no shade. All those trees along the gravel drive are ours but the ground is covered with big rocks so it will take time to get it in planting condition. I'll take my favorite hostas to go under the Magnolia but many will have to stay behind. :(

Steve, I was thinking.... as lovely as your yard is, you really do need more space!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Congrats Moby!!!!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Thanks Boojum.

I have the shade garden nearly done and the big push to do the rest will be next weekend. So that's 30 down and..... 350 to go? I have about 2000 sq. ft. marked off for the tiller-man to till this week ~ hope that will be enough!

Met a nice neighbor lady today who asked if I could use some iris. :)

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Moby, you even have a nice neighbor lady there to offer you iris; what a place indeed! Hooray! Now that is just another reason to celebrate that and the coming tilling adventure to make you 2000 square feet more of garden space. You must be so excited about all of this.

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