Missing PF entries/pics?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I had entered Grevillea rosmarinifolia 'Scarlet Sprite' into Plant Files about a year ago and submitted a picture of it (or maybe someone else made the entry, but I know I added a picture). Anyway, I got another one of these today and since I always add stuff to my journal through PF, I went in to look for it and the plant is not there anymore. And when I look for records of the picture I posted, I can't find it anywhere either but I know it was there because I have a dmail from a person who liked the plant based on my picture. I've had pictures disappear on me before after I knew I submitted them (Fuchsia arborescens and Melaleuca thymifolia are the two I'm aware of and I've subsequently re-submitted pictures). With those two I thought maybe my memory just wasn't very good, but now with this one I KNOW it used to be there and I have proof in the form of the dmail asking about it, plus I never enter anything into my journal except through Plant Files (unless it's something that's not ID'd clearly) and this plant (the one I had a year ago) is in my journal so I know it had to have been in PF then. I know sometimes when Dave does stuff with the servers stuff gets lost and needs to be resubmitted, but as far as I knew that only affected stuff that was submitted right around the time he was doing things, and that wasn't the case with this, the picture and the PF entry existed for at least a few days but now is missing. Any idea what happened? I can obviously go and re-enter it, but it makes me wonder how many other things I thought I entered aren't really there anymore!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

That is VERY weird. If we have problems, it is usually missing or duplicate pictures that were submitted around the time of a server move. Usually those are restored, or we know about them and can ask the submitter to re-submit them.

Dave may have some ideas, but I don't know if we could possibly find a deleted entry. I see you entered 'White Wings' last November: http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/115235/index.html

Do you remember if you would have entered this other one before or after that?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think I would have entered it around the same time, I spent a lot of time last fall/winter adding plants that I owned into PF if they weren't already there, but it might have been a month earlier or a month later than White Wings (more likely to be earlier since I bought the plant before I bought White Wings). Don't worry too much about finding the lost entry, it's probably easier for me to just re-enter it. I just wondered what happened and if it might have happened to other entries too. If they're plants that I'm re-acquiring for my new garden, I'll figure out eventually that they're missing and can re-enter them, but I have a bunch of others that I ran across at botanical gardens or in some books that I have and entered into PF, and those I probably wouldn't ever notice they were missing

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Hopefully that was just a very weird anomaly.

But if you spot any other missing entries ("Would all missing entries please raise their hands???" *grin*), please let us know. Maybe we can find a commonality or pattern.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Will do! Hopefully that's the only one, I know weird stuff like that will happen every once in a while!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

I entered an African Violet into PF and it shows up under my home page when I click on photos added, but when I go that plant file's page, it's missing.
Here's the plant file http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/127398/index.html

When you click on the existing photo, then you'll see mine. But it doesnt show up on the main page.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I reported it to Dave last night. It looks like every new entry, from about 7 pm (central time) on 10/24, up to now is *in there* but we can't get to the entries.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I just found another missing Plant Files entry of mine--Monochaetum alpestre x pulchrum. This one was added the same day as I added the entry for M. amabile which still exists in PF if that helps track down what might have happened (this one was added to PF at a much later date than my previous missing entry). I know for a fact I really entered it and am not just imagining things--this plant exists in my journal and the only way things get to my journal (unless I am uncertain of the ID) is by importing them from Plant Files. If they're not in Plant Files yet, they don't go to the journal until I have time to make the entry in PF, then I import it into my journal as soon as I create the entry. I would really love to find out what's going on here since this is the second one I've found so far (some rainy day this winter I'm going to go back through my journal and figure out which other ones have mysteriously disappeared from PF!). Any ideas what might be going on?

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