What pansies do you like best?

Thomson, GA

Well, it's that time again. The vinca and begonias have just about had it, and it's pansy time again. Since I will be planting quite a few in planters, I would appreciate recommendations for any of your favorites. I bought some a few years ago at a little plant farm on Hwy 78 between here and Athens and they were the toughest plants I ever had! They grew very quickly and were gorgeous, and I actually got 3 seasons out of them. Amazing! I don't know if they were so successful because of the great start they got at the nursery or because of the variety. Of course, I have no clue what variety they were.

I'm not picky about colors, I pretty much like them all. My daughter, however, looooves the ones with the faces. I'll have to have a few "face flowers" for her to ooh and aah over when she comes for Sunday dinner.

Cordele, GA

I like the small viola flowered forms. They bloom abundantly and seem to be more heat tolerant that the larger flowered form. I am partial to the blue and violet forms paired with some companion that bears either chartreuse or yellow blooms.


Byron, GA

Ditto on the voilas. Have saved seeds from a light blue/dark blue vairety for the last 3 years and they have been very hardy. Orginally the seeds came from a sorbet blue but they don't look like the orginal. The flowers are larger, about 1/3 the size of a regular pansy, and I like them better than the orginal sorbets.


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