Some October greenhouse pics

Fulton, MO

This morning's tour of the greenhouse revealed some interesting things. This is one of three blooms spikes on BOP (Strelitzia reginae)

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Dwarf pom (Punica granatum 'Nana')

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

An inflo on a new Plumeria cutting, 'Moir Pink'

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

African Gardenia (Mitriostigma axillare) has a wonderful, subtle fragrance.

Edited to say sorry, I uploaded the fuzzy pic!

This message was edited Oct 14, 2006 1:10 PM

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Plumbago auriculata 'Imperial Blue'

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Hibiscus. I'll try these again over the winter in the GH with a systemic. The first time a couple of years ago, I tired of spraying the whiteflies.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Lemon guava (Psidium littorale 'Lemon') Anybody know how big the fruits are supposed to get? This one is suddenly enlarging, turning yellow, and softening.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

I found this little critter...

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

...shortly after I found this. I wonder if this means there was some funny business in the GH.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Naranjilla, Bed of Nails plant (Solanum quitoense) It has flowered and set a small fruit you can see in the center.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Looks like a flower spike on the Bulbine frutescens which I was grateful to receive from TL.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

And finally, Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa), a tree with an unusual ladder-like planar habit. I'm afraid this tree has little potential for fruit production in a Missouri greenhouse, but it sure does grow well. It has tripled in height this summer.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

looks good SB. I'll bet you are excited about the plumeria bloom! Looks like it will open within a few weeks. Does the African gardenia propagate by cuttings??? lol

I am sorry to report the death of a praying mantis in my grhouse last night.....had been seeing it for a few days, a full size adult, and it made the mistake of being on the ground right in front of the door and one of us stepped on it and smashed it-it was sad. What do you mean by "funny business" ??? :)

Fulton, MO

TL, I fully intend to propagate the African Gardenia. ;-)

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

just antenna went up on that one!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Must be wonderful to walk in there with all the smells and blooms! That funny thing definitely looks weird. The African Gardenia is cute.
:) Donna

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL @ the funny business!

You have a really nice collection of plants in there SB!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Well Michele.......what do you think he means??? He won't answer, although he brought it up

I should edit this to say that I understood this to be a family website-maybe a family praying mantis website....praying

This message was edited Oct 15, 2006 11:42 AM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Nice save. LOL

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