
Silver Springs, NV(Zone 6b)

And has anyone grown tamarind here?
I've been toying with getting a few tamarind pods to try seedstarting them--anyone done that? Would it work? Are the tree seedlings adversely affected by hard freeze/low teens/twenties temperatures in winter? Estimated germination time and season?
The dry tamarind pods seem to turn up in Carson City SuperKMart bulk bins in the Latin produce section from time to time. Anyone know if they are processed in such a way as would deter germination?

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

You can only try! It would be free seed. Remind me, what does this tree look like.

Silver Springs, NV(Zone 6b)

Haven't seen full grown ones, only photos/catalogs/garden books. With my limited botany vocabulary, sort of like large mesquite? But once in a while I do like to add a little tamarind when doing ethnic cooking...just an excuse!

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