Nut Wizard

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

I got a new tool. It's the most amazing thing. I have a front yard full of Black Walnut trees and you know what they bring, nuts. Well, for years they've always been a pain come fall. You have to either rake them up, pick them up or hope a hungry hoard of squirrels invades your property and takes them all way. I really only wanted to pick them up out of my flower beds and the first front yard, but it was never fun. So I accidentally came across this device called Nut Wizard. This thing is amazing. I picked up 5 five gallon pails of nuts in about 20 minutes. And best of all, it will work for apples too. ;) They have them in various sizes for different size nuts. Check it out.


ps. I have no affiliation with Nut Wizard or anybody associated with it, other than the fact they got some of my money. ;)

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