D. discolor pods - when ripe?

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

I have two Datura discolor bushes, and the seed pods are darkening as they ripen. They still haven't split on the bottom yet, though, and we just had frost last night and will have more in the next two nights. Can I harvest the pods that have turned color and expect them to split as they dry and to contain viable seeds?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

If the frosts are light frosts lasting no more than an hour or so they should be ok. Otherwise, go on and cut them off and stick them somewhere where they will stay cool and have air circulation around them so they won't get moldy. I usually put mine in a margarine tub with the lid slightly ajar, or an unclosed plastic bag.

Edited to say that you can also slice off a small piece of the pod to see if the seeds are darkening. If they are, then cutting off the pods should be no problem. If they aren't then you could possibly put socks or something like that over them and leave on the bush. Also make sure the bush is well hydrated.


This message was edited Oct 13, 2006 12:36 PM

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

We're supposed to have frost for the next two nights. The leaves have all wilted on these plants. I can cover them with a sheet, though.

I cut open one of the pods that was turning dark on the outside, and the seeds inside were all black. They were kind of unevenly shaped, though. The pod itself was surprisingly fleshy.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Having never grown Discolor I do not know if their seeds are suppose to be black or not. All the dats I grow have yellow brown seeds.


Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

They are supposed to be black. I was wondering about the sort of odd shape. Stramoniums also have black seeds. Maybe I will do a germination test to see if they are grown.

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