Gladiolus interested people out there?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi everyone!

I am seriously getting into collecting Gladiolus species. I have just received 14 packets of seeds from silverhill seeds in Sth Africa, and have another 4 on order from jjaseeds in Wales.

There is a thread running on the European Forum where Glad species are being found out about, and the fever is running high!

So many people are not even aware of the wonderful Gladiolus species that exist, I think there is something like 260 of them, most in Sth Africa.

There has been a suggestion made that a Gladiolus Forum would be good to have (or great!). I think this is a wonderful idea, but first I am testing the level of interest out there.

Many people are not aware there is a Dave's Garden Discussion Forum, or rarely visit it. Hence the reason I am first posting here!

Any new forums are now open to non-subscribers too, this can only be good in my opinion as an Internet search will give access to the Forum and may bring in other interested parties.

The sharing of knowledge can have many advantages, it can help others to either gain a new, previously unthought of interest, or further one which needs a boost!

There are many Gladiolus Hybrids also which I do know many people are smitten with. Whether your interest lies first with hybrids or species, I am sure that both will rub off on all of us to a degree!

So, please, if you think you would like to know more, or have already a vague or well developed interest, then let us know here!

If there looks to be sufficient interest here, then we may be asking Dave for a Gladiolus Forum!

This message was edited Oct 13, 2006 2:35 PM

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8b)

I for one would be tickled. I am not a huge fan of the Dutch-grown glads but the African species glads are lovely, much more delicate and interesting looking to me. Plus some of them would probably love our steamy hot weather in S. Georgia. Go for it, I'll be watching for the new Forum!

Erin (plantnutga)

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

I'd probably be a frequent visitor.

Horsens, Denmark

Good thing you got this started Janet :o))
I vote for a glad. forum as well

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I have been a lurker over on your other gladiolus post.....if a Forum is started I would be a lurker there too......LOL I may even come out and play since glads are one of my favorites.......... open open........thanks Lauri

LOL edited because I am a professional lurker not a speller................................Lauri

This message was edited Oct 13, 2006 4:22 PM

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Ha! Is there any more lurkers that we can tempt here?

Thanks Lauri for coming out into the open!

Don't be shy folks!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

LOL.......................... Hey Janet....................... can i come and play in here too????

I have always loved Gladiolus, but didnt realise there were so many species Gladiolus!!! I thought there would maybe be 6 or so, similar to crocosmia...........!!!

I think it would be a fantastic opportunity for people to understand more about them............. so i am with you, we need a Gladiolus forum!!!!

Hi Lauri, my sweet angel........................


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hey Mark, you are welcome to come and play!

We need you! And anyone else who enjoys playing!

Do we have any more angels??

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Not an angel, but I think gladiolus deserve a forum

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

claypa you are an angel!

I was reading the reasons a forum could be granted, as explained by Terry on another thread.

I think the most interesting points I gained were:

a) is there a need to further knowledge on a forum, or is it just a matter of placing your growing information and experiences in PlantFiles? In this case, it is a resounding YES to furthering the knowledge, there is so little known about species Gladiolus!

b) is the genus large enough to warrant a Forum of it's own .....again, a resounding YES! 260 species and goodness know hows many Hybrids.

I just looked around for a hybrids list, and found a site in America with LOADS of Glads!

from this site, which lists a lot of species and has a few links

Gladiolus Societies

Wikipedia list of species

36 pages of named Hybrids and species in the RHS Plantfinder (which is not inclusive of all, but lists those which have either been previously or presently listed by members.

Ecoport list of Iridaceae, many Gladiolus species listed. If there is a number next to the name clicking on it will reveal a thumbnail. Click on the thumbnail to reveal more information.

Horsens, Denmark

Oh my goodness, now I whant them ALL. Take a look a this beauty

Janet I agree with you, then there is a good basis to suggest a glad. forum

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I have ordered seeds of G orchidiflorus from jjaseeds, there is another one I REALLY want to have G watermeyeri

I can see I will have to join the Bulb Society, or one of those! There's the Pacific Bulb Soc., International Bulb Society, St African, I would really like to know if the Gladiolus Society has members interested in species, it sounds to me more like they are into hybrids.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Take a look at the pics on here, several pages so don't miss them!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow! So wonderfully varied! Some look like orchids, some like alstromeria, and some even like a tropical haliconia! I've been developing a growing interest in glad species and the heirloom varieties, some of which have naturalized in the south.

I'd enjoy a Glad forum too!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oooohhh great!

I like the 'developing' bit, that's how it starts, then it snowballs!

Horsens, Denmark

Beautiful ;o))

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Okay, add me to the list of glad enthusiasts. I have only grown the more common hybrids, but they are so pretty, and practically carefree, so yes I would like to see a new forum for glads.

Thomson, GA

Oh yes, I would be interested in a glad forum as well. Thanks for sharing; I had no idea there were so many species, and some so exotic! ( I think I shall have to find space for yet another flower bed.)

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Count me in! I even have a book about glads!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I have been looking everywhere for species glads since I went to the Smith College bulb show last March. I would love to support a forum.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Great to see more 'converts'! It *WILL* grow on you!

defoecat, you are so right, "practically carefree", another plus!

guardians, I am sure you will find space for a new flower bed even if, dare I say, you have to 'make some changes'!

pardalinum, you have a book on Glads?? Which one is that, please tell us!

boojum, I KNOW you like species glads! Glad to see you found us!

BTW, I did find someone on your side selling some species! They have G virescens too, take a look! Great prices! The price of a packet of seed or less, and many of them do make lots of small bulb offsets, way to go!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

If anyone wants to buy a book on Gladiolus................. may i make a suggestion?

Its called 'Gladiolus in Southern Africa' by Goldblatt & Manning.............

Absolutely amazing book with 145 plates showing species Gladiolus!!!

It is available at The African Book Centre at a very reasonable price..............

Hope thats of some help..........


Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 8b)

Janet, count me in on your votes.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Ooooh thanks Vi!

You won't be sorry........

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Mark, looks like a great book, but expensive. Maybe for a holiday present????? Here tis on Amazon:

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Oh great ,now I went and had a look see...................I must have it!!!...No, No, not going to buy!!This is going to become an addiction....back to look at botanical prints......Lauri

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I have bought it! Awaiting delivery...........can't wait!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Noooooooooooooooo not a present....................... i bought it to study Gladiolus!!!!!!!

Its not really that expensive as far as books go (Apparently).........

Well woth having.................

LOL, yes i know you bought it Janet...................... you could have had it now if you had bought it when i did.........

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hey Lauri.................. how you doing sweetheart???????

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Nothing special about my glad book: Growing Gladiolas by Eric Anderton and Ron Park. I have better books that discuss species of all types of bulbs and plants. Let us know when you take this to the next step...

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I was thinking of doing that about now, what do you think? Enough support for a start?

I will post a link when I get it done.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

OK folks, come on over to place your votes on Dave's Garden!

Cordele, GA

I would be interested in a glad forum as well.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I wrote an e-mail to telos last night, wallaby, and they said it's too late to order this year. But I will try them again next spring.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hi Turtle, could you please go to the link on Daves Garden Forum and place your interest there as well, thanks!

boojum, as long as they have them I guess you don't mind waiting! I spent some time searching a few months ago and din't find them then. Very few people keep them, but who knows, that may change!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hey Mark....................How are you doing love??.............................Lauri

Holualoa, HI(Zone 11)

I'm in ~ I'd put the Glad Forum on my Favorites. Anu

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Great Anu!

Do you see many glads of any sort in Hawaii? There are some tropical species too, there is a book just on tropical glads in Africa.

Holualoa, HI(Zone 11)

I see lots of glads here, but not sure about tropical varieties. There is one that I can't grow anymore as it is almost invasive ( I don't know if its tropical or not). You've probably heard of it ~ It's called Fragrant Gladiolus or Acidanthera. Each bulb makes many many babies that all seem to make it and spread everywhere very fast. It's very beautiful and fragrant, but I just can't handle all the work to keep them contained. I'm happy with just regular glads that I find in the store or in catalogues, but I'd be interested in learning about tropical ones too.

Aloha, Anu

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

This is the book on Sth African tropical species, there are 82 tropical species and 1/3 of them are in Sth Africa

Acidanthera is now classified as Gladiolus callianthus, I grew it this year and am very happy to have flowers! It's not supposed to be hardy in the ground, I will leave those in the pot in the greenhouse, and I have a few in the ground which haven't flowered. Hoping they will survive.

Thumbnail by wallaby1

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