It's just too early for this nonsense...

Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

So depressing... :(

Thumbnail by serenity_now
Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

The hose is still out from watering the other day.

Thumbnail by serenity_now
Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by serenity_now
Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Serenity..I hafta tell ya..being new to the Texas Coast, but not Texas mind you..I would love to have some of that cool air..I just came in from my evening stroll..I like to admire the natural habitat and all it offers..and I am soooo hot! We have humidity of 100 percent..storms coming...Well, at least tomorrow will be cooler...*sighs* too..but rainy!! Would send some of this heat to ya if only I could!!

Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks turbo! I wish you could too. I used to have to fly to El Paso a couple of times a month for work and would stop over in Houston. I loved it (especially in February)! I remember how humid Houston was and everything was so lush and green...then El Paso would be so dry and arid with agave and cactii. Such a difference within one state. I like the four seasons in Michigan (especially a white Christmas) but summer is just too short. I lived in North Carolina for five years and I thought the climate was perfect. You still had the four seasons but the winters were shorter and milder! It seemed like I could grow just about anything there. (Sigh) I guess we make the best of the extremes of living way up north or way down south!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I think that "Coleus in Snow," composition is defined as an oxymoron!

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Awe Serenity, that's too bad. I feel your pain. We've had some bitter temps and snow here too. The snow here didn't stick like yours though. I guess the growing season is over. Sigh.... I really hate to see winter come so soon.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Don't feel bad, Buffalo had 2 feet of snow got it made!


Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

Colorado dodged THIS bullet, but we have had heavy blizzards in September, and in May.

So I feel your pain.

Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

Thank you everyone for lending a shoulder. Tom..I'm picturing 2ft of snow out my window and I feel much better now!

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Serenity! Ya hangin in there? Weather cooled off here..but now, gotta get out my fins!! RAIN..STORMS..DOWN POURS..Oh's not I will take it!

Saw some pics and videos of that snow doozie for so early..I just hope and pray that this winter another one of the "freak" ice storms doesnt come in..The folks down here are NOT up on driving in it!(the natives at least)...I am VERY good about it.I stay home! LOL

Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

Turbo, I am much better now! It a beautiful FALL day outside today:) The snow has disappeared. Sunny and supposed to be 55 F. A great day to pull out the annuals and put in some mums and bulbs!

Sorry to hear about the down pours! And, I hope you don't get any of those ice storms either! I lived in Georgia for a while and remember a light freeze shut everything down. Not having any salt for the roads, there was no choice but to wait for it thaw.

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Serenity! Glad you are having better weather! As for ice..or snow..I will put it this way. It snowed here in 2004 at Christmas. That was the first time it had snowed here in about 80..yep..EIGHTY..years! So many folks just were freaking out!! I got a kick out of em, coz with the way we have traveled with my husbands job, I have had the chance to see snow and even to get my fill of it!..Also, the ice..there was an ice storm here bout ..shoot..several years ago..Again, another RARE event..sooo..guess we are safe. I remember when the ice storm hit years ago..We have The Port of Corpus Christi..and one of the landmarks that CC is known for, is The Harbor Bridge..when the ice hit..some of these loony toons actually thought they were gonna breeze right UP and over it...yeah..right! LOL..Nobody got hurt..but sure made for some comical video on the news..Even that didnt last long..Lord knows we have enough sand around here..and the city got the bridge sanded..and it was opened up again in no time!
White_Hydrangea..just noticed..Aurora..We were out there not this past summer but last. I couldnt believe it. I thought, oh boy..gonna fly out and spend some time with DH(built the satellite receivers for the military base) and get some cool weather..coz, like it always is in the summer was sooo hot and humid..Boy was I wrong! I was out there while yall were having that record breaking heat! Darn the luck! LOL!.But, I do like your city..great shopping, great food, and this one place, forget the name..had the most wonderful selections of brews and micro-brews!!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm about 20 min north of Buffalo. It's not the 2' of snow that's the biggest problem here. Most of the area schools have been closed for the week because the power is out in much of the area. The heavy, wet snow hit the trees before they lost their leaves. It just snapped a lot of them in half. They estimated that in the city parks 90% of the trees are damaged. and when trees fall they take power lines with them. there was also a water because power was out in some of the pumping stations. things are getting better slowly, but it's already been 4 days.

I've been very lucky. only about 6 inches of snow which melted the next day. our power stayed on. we lost phone service for 24 hours, probably power outage at the switching station. of course as the show melts there is flooding and folks have no power to their sump pumps. It's a mess.

here's some pics my DDIL took. they were w/o power for 3 days.

gram ~a girl~

Thumbnail by grampapa
Grand Blanc, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh that's just awful, Gram! It's just so unreal to see all that snow with the green leaves on the trees! Hopefully the power will be restored soon for the folks that are still without. Too bad the damage to all those poor trees will not be restored....

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

thanks, serenity. it's sad.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

37 years ago, the first year I was in Denver, we had snow like that on the 2nd of October. 30% of our trees throughout the metro area were lost. Heartbreaking.


LOL! Our weather has been simply perfect the last two days. --But when I went out to enjoy some of it, the mosquitoes picked me up and tossed me back into the house! I guess if it is not one dang thang, it is another. :))

vancouver, Canada

We just got 6 inches of snow over night with our high temperature dropping from 60 degrees yesterday to 32 degrees today. Our low went from 47 yesterday to 21 degrees today.
This is as nasty a change as I have ever seem.

Phoenix, AZ

Bad weather? Huh?

Thumbnail by Aguane

Aguane - Sort of like Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor in Silver Streak,
"We bad." and, "We cool."
Yep that weather is b-a-a-a-a-d. Cool. :)

Phoenix, AZ

Loved that movie! Colin Higgins wrote and directed!
Yea, We're so bad we're Coooooooool.


Coo, "Get down! ,,,,,,, "no, get up...."

Phoenix, AZ

Colin Higgins did "Harold and Maude" too.
Filmed in San Mateo County CA. Perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect weather.
None of this **snow** nonesense.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I remember the blizzard of 1997 here on October 25. I was supposed to be on a panel at a convention (the same yearly convention I just returned from today) on Saturday morning. I actually did start out. I got five steps out my door, in snow almost up to my hips, and turned around and struggled back into the building. I did finally make it there early Sunday afternoon.

Denver and Colorado do have great microbrews. The first time I was out here, a fellow writer took me up into the mountains. She'd brought some Coors cuz she figured I should taste a Colorado brew. I tried it, and it was about all I could to not spit it out, it was so awful. But I swallowed it and smiled. I didn't want to be rude. But that's the last Coors I ever had, and that was in 1988!

The microbrews are good, though.

White_Hydrangea - Whoa! I thought I read that it took you until Sunday to find your way back. lol - That certainly would lend new meaning to the line...."s-l-o-w-l-y I turn, step, by step, .....inch by inch....."

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