when is it too late to plant perennials?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

When is it too late to plant perennials? I've always been of the opinion that as late as the ground could be worked, fall planting was ok or even a good idea. But my DH planted some things last year under snow, and I'm not sure they came back. A friend led me to believe that plants put in the ground after the first hard frost were doomed. Does anyone have a good idea?

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I never plant past October 15th by me. I do know that is our approximate first frost date. What does everyone else do?

Colebrook, NH

I read in a book six weeks before the first hard frost is best, to leave enough time for the plant to get established

Mid-Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

Our average first frost date is Oct. 2. I'm still planting. I have things that just arrived. I shopped the end of the season sales last year and the plants survived. I give a good mulch, make sure they get enough water until the ground freezes. They're not as vigorous as the fully established perennials, but they make it. Of course bulbs are planted through November here as well.

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