Leo Update

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

I'm tired of scrolling through the other one.

He seems to be fine, knock on wood. Turned him out and he trotted to his fav spot and dropped his head. I just brought him in cause I didn't want him to get tooo much. No fever...but I am holding my breath.

More oil. Oil is good.

Thank you all for your support. Really. It really means something to me and I appreciate it.

Jenks, I'm sorry, I was so busy the last couple of days, when I say TC came in with big legs...I didn't mean it, I was just lame braining through my litany...he ran around, came in hot and wired, and I hosed him AND his legs. The next morning they were big. No surprise. He's a hot house orchid, is our resident Thoroughbred. They go back down, and if they don't, they get more cold hosing. And then some more. And some Sore No More. It's no worries, just adds a 15 minute hose job(s) to my afternoon.

I'm actually HOME for *checks watch* an hour before I need to go back. Which should I do? Unload/load dishwasher, fold 13 loads of laundry, put away the groceries, hoover, make my bed, or hide in my bathroom with a glass of wine? Scratch that. Hide in my bathroom with a bottle of wine and a straw?

I didn't even tell y'all that in the middle of this my friend Tony called me to tell me his dog (who got a cancer dx last week) couldn't walk. I went with him to the small animal vet on Sunday afternoon, and buried her out by the apple orchard on Monday.

And then my Mom took her rescue Golden to HER vet last night, and he has lymphoma.

Seriously. Was I Goebbels in a former life or something?

I need a ...what do you call it...an exorcist.

We keep saying we should write a book. I'm thinking this chapter should be skipped.

And Bobby's MRI is tomorrow. *buries head in hands*

Jenks, I'm happy to loan out my hubby for a variety of light duties but I'm thinking if it weren't for him we would be up to our armpits...in broken machinery, dirty clothes, over tired kids, and vet bills. And we definetly would have run out of coffee. So I'm thinking this is not the best week. ; ) Ask me again when I have PMS. ;-D You know he doesn't know one end of a horse from another, right?

We had three black and white paints out there for a while and he called ALL of them the same name. One is a 14 h hammer headed grade mare with a white head....one was Dakota, a 15.3 hand gelding with a black head...one is a 17.1 hand Dutch Warmblood mare. They were all "Oreo". Ditto the three greys...Bobby, a draft horse cross mare, and Chablis, an Oldenburg who is so white he glows. We don't even correct him anymore. It seems unkind, cause he's trying so hard.

*sigh* ok, I've just wasted ten minutes of potential wine guzzling. ; ) (I'm kidding). Here I go to do something useful.

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